Friday 9 September 2016


We are all aware that two breasts, baby bump, and vagina are the private things covered under the maternity gown, so why expose them for us to see, and this is where dignity comes in. In Nigeria today the new trend of showing off the baby bump by pregnant women has fiercely increased, and this is not a thing done with clothing anymore, but nude. At a time I sat in a garden and examined critically if the women that expose their nudity have husbands in existence, but so many times you see the husbands encouraging the wives by taking those pictures with them which means that the husbands are most times in support of the act.

If we are going by Nigeria's culture and religion, I cannot agree that this trend has once existed in any culture or religion which simply means that over accommodation of foreign values has diminished our inbuilt wiring that we no longer consider what is private as one, but as public. The breast, baby bump, and vagina of a woman ought to be considered as private parts,  and also not neglecting that a woman's body is officially and strictly meant for her husband and not the public. The last time I remember, you were joined in holy matrimony with your husband and not the world, so why are you showing off your lifetime assets to some men that would abuse it?

When I was younger,  I used to live in a world where so many rules were given to pregnant women. They must not move in the afternoon, they must avoid some unnecessary walks, they must cover their nakedness, they must be careful, amongst so many other rules, but these days, pregnancy is the whole world affair, because we can no more differentiate between a husband's property and a public property. I see that even the husbands in support of it are myopic of certain instances like; your wife could be likened to a prostitute by men like you, your wife could turn to a pornography for men that masturbate, your wife could be seen by your religious leaders which totally diminishes her value, your wife' s picture could be seen by your family which could make them hate her, your wife could be seen by you friends who were salivating to have sex with her and a good opportunity to know her private ability

Yes, we cannot be forever young, and by the time we reach our old age past could hunt us. We cannot be forever young, because when we are meant to be chosen in some key public offices, our way of life might be tagged immoral. When a mad woman pulls off her clothes, we run because we don't want to be hurt by her, but when a sane person pulls off her clothes with a belly full of tomorrow's future, we wait and view the sizes over and over because it says alot. We can have pre~birth pictures, but going nude is absolutely not a good story for the baby to be told. If our generation continues this exposure, I can imagine a world going nude like some insane bodies able to be compared to some patients at "yaba left". Over accommodation of foreign values has made us weak that we don't think if our cultural values are still in existence and this might cost us our future as gays are celebrated today by causing diseases to spread in our world.

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