Saturday 3 September 2016


"When stars meet superstars, they turn to fans"

"The people you refer to as animals today could turn out to be humans tomorrow. The poor could get rich tomorrow, never underestimate"

"Be careful when you offend the younger ones, because your ego might take over you to seek for their help when they turn out to be great people"

"The length of your cloth does not tell how religious you are, but the largeness of your heart will definitely tell"

"My word might not travel far, but my hand written piece may travel farther, the pen is mightier than a sword"

"Can you dance to a song without a rhythm, can you write with a pen in the air?"

"If you keep walking in circles all your life, one day you will die in circles because that is where you limit yourself"

"If I cry all my life, my tears cannot turn to a river, so why worry over less productive things"

"How far can a generation care for a property, how mortal is our souls that we won't give up one day #vanity"

"The cheapest product can only be bought by those who value it, the less privileged can only be cared for by those who cherish them"

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