Sunday 3 January 2016


On the 1st of January 2016, i was in haste to visit a family, yeah, because it was the first day of the year. I rushed towards the door, but I couldn't knock because the door was widely opened. I barely walked my way into the sitting room trying to avoid the pieces of broken glass cup shattered on the floor.

As I entered the sitting room, I sighted a woman sited on the floor with head bent sobbing. Her hair looked scattered, but I couldn't view the overall look at that glance. I braced myself up to say 'hi' to the sobbing woman, the head that was raised looked like a bag that had been punched to shreds. The recognition was deem, the look was scary, but softly i said "what a pity, Mrs Julius has been battered again".

She stood up and walked to hug me, and now I had the opportunity to see the whole figure. Her cloth was torn,  and she limped before getting over to my side. I sat her down,  and asked if Mr Julius was at it again and she replied; He can never change.

My take....Mrs Julius, we all know that your husband drinks alcohol, and he gets drunk, but this is a new year, he ought to have changed or given you the privilege of the first day of the year. I doubted my words and I said further....He can only change when he wishes and feels convinced to change,  but he will never change because 2016 is a new year, he will never change because it is festive season, he will never change because he has a change of meal.

A man or woman you wedded is in the marriage with the idea that you can tolerate the ills of one another. Mrs Julius once told me that during her courtship with her husband, he was always drinking and he had slapped her face for not picking her call on time. I told her that Mr Julius tested her and she passed the test by not walking away or retaliating. He assumed she can bare his anger and his way of life.

Mrs Julius is a good worshipper,  a pleasant woman that is tired of her husband's way of life, because she suddenly forgot that she tolerated his wrongs with the aim of correcting him, but unfortunately he has not gotten the conviction to change. I repeat, the new year won't make him change,  but he will change when he is convinced.

To every man and woman in marriage or outside marriage, marriage doesn't change people, but individual is often convinced by whatever reason they hold as a prompter. Indeed it is 2016, all activities should improve,  except for the bad ones.

Are you a replica of Mr Julius? Maybe you will be convinced through my words and the notification that your creator has extended your life for repentance. When love becomes sour, then what is the meaning of the bond? Please Mr Julius change for the woman that believes in the new year. Change for the foetus in your wife's womb that you keep punching out. Rest and let the sleeping on the dumping ground stop. Change from a drunkard to a cool headed man, change because you need a child, change because Mrs Julius loves you, change because you want to be a good husband and a good father in few months. Change because your creator never designed you to be ridiculed, and remember that your wife is a weaker vessel to be treated like your rib, your helper and not your enemy. Even if you don't respect the new year, change because you need the change to give you a change.

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