Monday 18 January 2016

Chastity, a Traditional Style Overtaken By Modernity

It is called chastity, it is an act, a choice, a state of abstaining from sexual intercourse before or outside marriage, the quality of being moral, a behavior of a man or woman that is acceptable to the moral standards and rules of their religion, culture or civilization and above all, it denotes purity.

 Traditionally,  every parent always has this fear of exposing their children to sexual lifestyle, and this has to do with the upbringing of each family on earth. Our forefathers were affected through their religion, christianity, Islamic, Buddhism, or any traditional religion they were associated with. Their culture; some cultural background must see blood stain on the wedding night of a couple, a sign that the groom is the real man behind the hymen puncture . Unfortunately, detecting a man that remained a virgin till his wedding night has been a mystery that no one can unravel, except if some scientists have created a machine for such detection.

Nevertheless, chastity is gradually getting buried in the grave with the initiators, our fore fathers. Civilization has held it ransom, and we seek how to rescue it from the cancerous socialization of man that has eaten our pure lives deep, and leaving us with crumbs. The strong at heart and the few that have not been taken hostage by the wild sect of sexuality are the ones enjoying the dividend of chastity.

I have seen ladies and men that ended up being singles all their lives because they never valued the word chastity. Some would not be opportuned to get married to their ex boy or girlfriend's friend, because while they were dating exs, the word chastity was immorality. In the quest, series of sexual activities had happened, love was sex, studying was majorly on the bed, and immorality took over, but it all went down the hill. People in such shoes are no more advantageous to marry their ex's friend that are genuinely in love with them, except in rare cases because a mark has been put upon such victim. I heard this from a friend "I dated his friend once,  but we never had sex. I am married to my husband, and he trusts me so much" she added that; if a woman has never had a record of sexual immorality, then she can get married to any interested man of her choice". But in a case where he or she has been engaged in sexual activities with lovers,  she has little or no advantage of getting the man of his or her choice that is related to her former partners.

Chastity can be very difficult to practice, but the truth is that,  true love is not based on sex. Sometimes men are categorised as sexual animals, but a man that has not attempted it would not know how fun it could be,  so why not abstain till the time it will be legal and worthy of regular practice. The partial removal of chastity from the society has been categorised as modernity/civilization. A man says; "I can never marry a virgin". Men that can never marry or date a virgin are often scared of bigger commitment. Having a woman's hymen attracts blood in most cases and most people believe in the spiritual covenant of it. Most men that say those words are often scared of curses, and acts of women when infidelity comes in. A man that cannot marry a virgin seemingly cannot be faithful, so to avoid all the consequences,  they go for the regular ones.

The reality is that; everyone needs to be protected from one thing or the other. We need to be protected from diseases, from spiritual consequences,  from the trust betrayal of those that see us as their mirrors and to preach the better side for the generation to come. Sexual sin has over taken the world and through this; abortions will be on the increase,  diseases will ravage, betrayal will be at its peak, women will reach menopause in their early stage, low sperm count will be high, and   mortality rate will continue to thrive.

It cannot keep rolling on because chastity has been one of the things that keep the society in order. Those that have fallen should stand,  and those that are yet to fall should keep fighting on. It's a mark of self preservation and self love. Love your body enough to care for it, because those that failed to care for it are lovers of other's
interest, and haters of their well being.

1 comment:

  1. Welldone! Actually courageous picking on such a topic. U r indeed a voice.
