Saturday 9 January 2016

Reasons Behind The Proposal Shift

Sometimes some single ladies go through severe headache because that man has not yet proposed. He will never propose if all these continue to happen;

***When men enjoy sex in a relationship; they see it as a normal thing, and nothing is new about the lady that calls herself a girlfriend. The lady can wait for all they care,  and if she wants to be so unfortunate, the man may feel getting a new replacement will be better for a wife whenever he is ready. Don't let a man turn you to sex machine and dump you afterwards.

***You are not yet his cook; The feeling that he is a bachelor is better for him, so in that way, he feels hastened to do the right thing. Some women will go to the market,  buy food stuff, groceries, and other things for a man that is not sure of taking them home. The more you do that,  the more he wouldn't get tired of being a bachelor because you have offered him what he would have craved for in marriage.

***Don't do his laundry for him: Let him go out there dirty and the response of his co workers will be 'hey man, you need a woman to put you through all these'.I think that is a good reason to put him on his toes to do the right thing.

***Don't be at his beck and call: It doesn't mean that you are disrespectful, but it means you have other appointments to catch up with. When he sees how engaged you are, trying to sort out your successful story, then he will always be scared to loose you to men of great calibre.

***Don't always cry whenever he gets
angry at you; Sometimes you need to hold that tears till he's out. That will make him see you as a strong woman.

***Don't let him tongue lash you: The moment a woman is silent when a man says bad things about her family, she has taken herself for a ride. The moment she stands and watch a man disrespect her by calling her names, her value has decreased, and such lady has a low proposal worth in the mind of the man. Learn to always hold your self esteem.

***A woman beater: If a woman beater proposes to you please run!  Once he had the opportunity to batter you once, then the second time would be a choice and the third time will turn it to his hobby. Men like that hardly propose to the woman they have beaten mercilessly, even if they propose and such woman accepts the proposal, she definitely accepted her death sentence.

***A man that invests in liquor, weeds and alcohol; Men that are into these are not likely to propose in time because they often find satisfaction in drinking and smoking.

***A man that doesn't love his mother; A man that hates his mother can barely love a woman let alone propose to get married to her. He doesn't see any reason why marriage is necessary when he often finds fault in his mother.

***Don't seem desperate;  Whenever some men sees desperation written clearly on a lady's face,  he thinks about so many things. He thinks maybe she's a gold digger, trying to run away from her past, craving for marriage for the whole wedding ceremony, selfish and so on.

***If a man is bi sexual; A man that is bi sexual will be held up by his gay partner. He can never propose on time, but will always look for flimsy excuses to cover up.

***A player;  Have you ever seen a player taking responsibility?  He will always look for fun in every relationship he finds himself. He is never ready until he changes the tag.

***Finance: Some men are not yet confident about how much they worth in taking care of a home. They always have the feeling that they are not there yet, while some want to achieve all the wealth before they say 'will you marry me'

***Some men are not mentally ready: A man that is not mentally ready for a marriage will never be sure of when to propose. He will always feel the whole marriage drama is too huge a task for him.

***Family and friends; When a man has to fight his feelings with the decision of his family and friends, he will definitely prolong the proposal date. A case where a man's parents or friends do not like a lady, then the lady needs to learn to wait or take a step out.

***A man that doesn't love a woman will not only delay proposal,  he may end up breaking up with the woman because he doesn't feel satisfied with her.

Every woman should always be herself, and shouldn't consider changing her lifestyle to suit a man's, except if the lifestyle is a bad one, and then there is a need to change. Let him long to see you and not the other way round. Once a man stops longing to see you,  then his proposal ring is kept for another woman. Don't turn to a slave for a man to keep the respect, and always know your limit.

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