Wednesday 30 December 2015


The affiliation of being self evident, courageous, bold and truthful to one's profile can be jeopardized with a pinch of sentiment in the interplay of decision making and self satisfaction. Sentiment in a nutshell is an attitude,  thought or judgement prompted by feeling, an idea coloured by emotions, or an exaggerated and self indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness or nostalgia.

'Ladies and gentlemen', this statement is often said in a gathering, event or an official meetings. The statement either initiated by sentiment or from the unconscious mind of the initiator has given a clue that men are gentle gender, while women could be gentle or not. In that context, men are often well appraised by this usage of glittering generality.

The saying; "A Mothers Love Lasts Forever" is an indication that the initiator of the saying is much more in love with his or her mother than the father, probably because the mother had in times shown some care and love. Looking at the saying glaringly, does that mean a father's love doesn't last? This can be said to have had a pinch of sentiment in the interplay of decision making and self satisfaction.

Jealousy is regarded to be an issue of the heart, and it is often said that this happens when two lovers are deeply in love,  but on the other hand, this can be regarded as sentiment which is produced by the fear that the loved person prefers someone else.

Gender inequality can be said to be a sentiment based ideology. A woman in certain places is forbidden to hold an official position in places of authority, and same is applicable to homes where women are not categorized to be entitled to educational needs as well as shares to inheritance. The preference attached to male child as against female child is noted to have been a result of sentiment which exists long time ago. Men are often tagged the head of the family in most religious settings and this has made most fathers to crave for male child than female child.

At the government level, sentiment is often in play whenever ministers and officials are chosen. People are not mostly chosen based on their capability, but their political affiliation which has however made some ministries to encounter hiccups. The biase, and subjectivity in the approaches of our day to day life can be categorized as set backs that wouldn't make our decision to be truly genuine,  but based on self and human satisfaction.

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