Thursday 17 December 2015

Be Careful Of What Your Ring Says About You

From time immemorial a ring has been an object that symbolizes different things, be it fashion,  marital status,  or class identity of man. A ring is a curcumscribing object,  circular and hollow usually worn on fingers, but some come as earrings, bracelets, and accessories. It is made up of plastic, gemstone, metal, wood, bone, glass, and also comes in different shapes, sizes and colours. We have gold, silver, diamond,  and other colours with ornaments.

Rings mean different things to different people and the general assumptions of ring placement on fingers is that ring is placed on the forefinger when one is searching for a spouse, the middle finger placement symbolizes engagement,  the ring finger is the wedding ring finger, while the pinkie finger ring placement means divorce or death. Far from the general assumptions of ring placement, here are some of the importance attached to rings as they are worn on different fingers,  especially the left hand fingers;

The thumb; Some people believe that a ring on the left thumb represents the quality of will, used to make a fashion statement and often said to be a sign of wealth especially for a man that wears it.

The Forefinger;  It is often known as the first finger and the second digit of a human finger, it is also called the pointer finger, trigger finger, digitus secundus amongst others. Some also refer to it as Jupiter, the index finger that stands for  self confidence,  ambition,  leadership etc.  Hundreds years ago it was said to be the most common location for a man's ring. In some parts of Europe, ring placement on this finger denotes family status,  and some people below certain rank were forbidden from wearing rings on the specific finger.

The Middle Finger; It is said to be the saturn,  sense of right and wrong, balance wheel, truth and self analysis. It symbolizes power, and responsibility.

The Ring Finger; This is called the ring finger because in many cultures,  the left ring finger is meant for weddings and engagements. It is also a sign of creativity and a ring worn on this finger symbolizes marital status,  betrothal,  promise and chastity.

The Pinkie Finger/ Little Finger; This finger is the smallest of all the fingers, and it symbolizes that one was married before. In the 19th and early 20th century,  the bottom ring was the wedding ring and the signet ring is worn on top. It's often times associated with organized crime, an example seen in the Sopranos drama.

However,  whatever ring, or finger placements one thinks is better must be done accurately,  in order not to be misjudged. Sometimes a single lady wears a ring on the ring finger,  and this often chase bachelors in search of a bride from such lady with the assumption of her being taken. Fashion is beautiful,  and placing it right and correctly is also appreciated.