Thursday 3 December 2015

No Work Is Done Without Stress

The hot kettle, the smokey head, the hot pan, the torn flesh, the cold river, the foggy area, and the frozen chicken, all had passed through a rigorous time to maintain their usefulness.

The kettle is hot while trying to boil water, the head is smokey while trying to get a clue,  the pan is hot in its quest to fry the chops, the flesh is torn as it tries to pull the luggage, the river is cold because of the influence of  water, the area is foggy as the cold air passes over the warm water and moist land, and the chicken is frozen so as to maintain its savour.

Whichever way we try to make it in life,  sweat must be seen, either on the face or under the wears irrespective of the air conditioner attached to our working environment. Every job, or work has its little or big challenge.

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