Sunday 31 December 2017


It was last three years that I said goodbye to my exs, exactly December 2015. I made a promise to my brave mind that no ex will have an upper hand in my decision making, and this was determined because I wanted to entertain a new lover in 2016. Guess who the new lover could have been? You will get to know as we unravel certain things subsequently.

Who is a lover? A lover is said to be a person who likes or enjoys a particular thing, music, career, or any thing that catches the attention of such individual.  Love itself is a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody or something, especially a member of your family, friends, luxury, and so on. Sometimes we fall in love with strange things, and our folks get to ask why we love such things so deep. A friend told me; " I like clubbing, and when I get married, I intend to continue clubbing." I replied saying; " What is so enjoyable in clubbing?" I responded in that manner simply because clubbing never tickles my fancy, and I saw no reason anyone could have chosen to be its lover.

Are you part of the few people that have chosen enmity as a lover in 2018? The common say; ' There are some friendship bonds that will be broken in the new year. New Year, New Resolution. "  Let's deliberate on this as we commence 2018. There are bonds that should be naturally broken if they are not beneficial, especially when the pin is pointing towards a bad direction,  but some are meant to be kept when they are purposeful. Sometimes our ego drives us to a point of pride that we conclude on certain issues without verifying where those decisions might take us. A college boy aspiring to procure " The Beast Vehicle" has set an endless race before himself, and it might land him in a company that could vanish his life. Though it's his decision, but it could have an adverse effect on him if precaution is not taken.

As the year evolves, every organisation has penned down what it aspires to achieve in the year, what to let go, what to correct, and the evolution of new ideas to further increase the patronage of its goods or services. Unknowingly to some of the management of these organisations, some bad decisions have been made, and there is a price for every mistake made, either knowingly or unknowingly. And so, some decisions we have made towards 2018 could be against or at our advantage, hence a need to be more attentive to our inner mind, weigh the pros and cons, and see if the disadvantage over-rules the advantange inorder to avoid being slaves to our decision.

In 2015, I made a substantial decision to avoid exs, and to focus on 2016 with a new lover. A very special being, and whom I have benefited from in all spheres of life. The Lover is the Most High, and the Supreme Being. Often times, we feel spirituality is needed when dark powers are involved, but this is a wrong notion.  In tackling issues , dealing with co-workers, expending funds, choosing a life partner, procuring properties, choosing friends, getting a loan, going on adventure, and every step we intend taking. If God leads the way, you will never have to go through failures, and it will be easier to attain your goals with hardwork. Sometimes we feel successful without being spiritual, but when trials loom, we get outrightly knocked out.

Do we have an idea that Myles Munroe had plans for subsequent year before his death? Nelson Mandela would have loved to see more of Africa’s successes in subsequent years, and Obafemi Awolowo's decisions for a year after his death could have been massive, but all couldn’t wait to experience the actualization of their decisions. To a large extent, if our decisions to make so many things happen in 2018 have been made without God, all could be effort in futility, and a chase after a shadow.

Friday 15 December 2017


In a world filled with anxieties and uncertainties, most people have their heads bowed in some scandals that shouldn't have been linked to their personality, and this has made some homes inhabitable for either of the spouse, or both in a tougher case. Extramarital affair is regarded as sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse. This is however rampant in today's marriages, and people occupying delicate positions in the society are not left out in the scandal.

Often times, men are always seen as the culprit, but it has gone beyond a man affair. Some women are fully involved in this without a second thought of the implications attached to it. Some of the reasons mostly attached to extramarital affairs as given by the victims are:

* Lack of love for their spouse

* Dissatisfaction in bed

* Lack of offspring

* social identification

* Vengeance

* Curiosity to try new things

* Financial crisis

* Getting along with a more adventurous    person

* Pursuit of career advancement, and the    list is endless.

 Some people argued that COVETOUSNESS and IMMATURITY are what lead most strayed couples to extramarital affairs, but this is debatable. In cases where we see religious leaders, executives at work, leaders of communities, states, countries romancing extramarital affair as a thing to be celebrated, it's a sign that no one is above the temptation of going beyond their marital limit. Achievements, position, and personality are vague when extramarital is mentioned, and this simply means, so many authorities have been caught in the act.

Regardless of the enormous reasons attached to extramarital affair, it's injurious to the emotion and health of those done against, and it is a menace that has the strength to jeopardize a society, because most homes have been shattered through the negligence of the perpetrators, and it has its hand on children affected. It could be lack of DISCPLINE, and unconsciously, it has side effects on their finances, emotions image, children, wives, husbands, jobs, career, and the society at large.

Extramarital affair is a form of getting pleasure in what our eyes see that lasts for a little period of time, but has adverse effect on the entirety of our lives. The vows made on the altar, at the registry, at your inlaws' house were not just rhymes, but some statements to be adhered to, and if broken has a lot to say about your personality.

Monday 13 November 2017

How To Know If I Have Mouth Or Body Odor (Halitosis/ Bromhidrosis, Osmidrosis)

Often times, people living with halitosis and bromhidrosis ( mouth and body odor) as fondly called rarely know they are suffering from such conditions. They only notice that people put their faces off whenever they have one on one conversation with them, or they sit far from them while in a gathering. Most of these victims don't get aware because they help such people that keep their distance to attach excuses to their actions. Example; Maybe he saw something that caught his attention during our conversation,  or maybe he couldn't maintain eye contact.  In a case of a body odor victim, maybe the seat was not good enough, or he moved far to enjoy the comfort of the air conditioner. These and many more excuses are attached unconsciously by a victim.

In cases like this, the only truthful set of people are always the dentists and dermatologists. Do not be disappointed that your intimate friend or family members could be unhappy to tell you the truth, because they are often afraid to see you sad or afraid that your reaction might be unpleasant afterwards. Though some lucky ones have been told but due to self confidence in their level of hygiene, they debunk such truthful saying.

Bromhidrosis, osmidrosis or ozochrotia is a perceived smell our bodies can give when bacteria that live on the skin break down sweat into acid. According to research, sweat itself is almost odorless, but the interference of bacteria result in what we call body odor. Halitosis or bad breath is a perceived foul smell in the mouth which could be caused by the foods we eat and sometimes a sign of a chronic disease, or infection. Most times, oral, nasal and throat infection could tamper with the breath of victims, and same goes to body odor victims, diseases such as fungi and bacteria cause major chronic body offensive smell aside poor hygiene. Intakes such as garlic, coffee, cigarette and caffeine also go a long way in adding to a victim's predicament.

The safest prescriptive measure a victim of either of these two conditions should take is to see a dentist in the halitosis ( mouth odor) case, and visit a dermatologist in the bromhidrosis ( body odor) case. Everyone either bond or free should visit their hospitals often for check up, and we should make it a point of duty to politely tell the victims around us to visit their doctors. We cannot rule out the position of good personal hygiene. We should endeavour to brush twice daily, and avoid sugar gums and foods. A body odor victim should cultivate a habit of bathing everyday and after every rigorous exercise and also shave his or her pubic areas that could harbour germs, and wash their clothings very well (underwears and other body attachments). Antiperspirant and deodorant can help to manage the body smell, as well as plenty intake of water.


Tuesday 7 November 2017

Ugly Men Desire Beautiful Women Too!

It always sounds so interesting when I listen to some qualities most men want to see in women. I have a feeling that women are so close to their screen anxious to read this little piece put together in the early hours of Tuesday, 7th November, 19:20 hours.

On a beautiful morning, I decided to embark on a journey from Lagos to Ekiti state, and fortunately I boarded a bus filled with relationship intellectual analysis tycoons. As we passed by RCCG camp a little, this unending relationship conversation started amongst three male friends that took the last seat. Though the bus made us a group, but I was a passive member who decided to  stay at her corner and listened to every bit of their conversation.

A man from the last seat was gutted about a post and retorted that he can't date a slim girl. He said; " I like fat girls because they can stand the test of sex without their legs shaking for hours". I smiled within me because I wondered why SEX is the major reason for his attraction to fat ladies. His friend didn't allow him to stop before he interfered, he said he likes slim ladies because they are better in bed and can be easily maneuvered. Hmmm! I sighed.

As those two kept dragging words with one another, the third friend dropped his own tip of the iceberg, " no woman can take it from a fair skinned lady". He prefers fair skinned ladies to dark skinned ladies.  An angry dark skinned lady gave a reply and said; " continue to follow people that sell fairness, whenever their cream finishes, you will know that black is beautiful". I laughed silently and my inner comment was; who will she defend if not ladies that have same complexion as hers. Come to think of it, only the fair skinned ones that bleach are mostly affected by cream inaccuracy in most cases.

The most deafening response just came from nowhere but from a passenger seated close to the bus driver.  He said and I quote; "I don't like ugly ladies o, I love beautiful ladies. If you're not beautiful, just don't come near me" Yes! Another blockbuster for ugly ladies. I sighed and I started ruminating over his comment, because I knew quite well those words came from a handsome man.

To calm the tension in the bus, an elderly woman intervened, she said; all facial qualities are good, but a woman with no moral has no good place. I looked at the woman, and sincerely, she's beautiful, so I knew sentiment of tucking morals in wasn't involved. The men started discussing about the moral aspect, but I was waiting for us to alight from the bus to see the handsome face of the man that detest ugly ladies so much.

When we got to Ekiti, I alighted immediately we got to the park and my first priority, I did. I looked into the man's face, but all I saw was a victim of pimples, a man I can't even describe his facial posture, but to keep staring. I was lucky that a cab man called my attention " aunty, drop" , that was when I woke up to reality. EVEN UGLY MEN DESIRE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN! WHAT DO YOU DESIRE IN WOMEN?

Wednesday 11 October 2017

No Free Lunch, Not Even in Freetown

#Dr JTF narrated his ordeal when he visited Freetown which is Sierra Leone's major urban, economic, financial, cultural, educational and political centre for the first time to discuss about Nigeria. He went with the notion that 'he who calls a meeting, lunch or a date picks up the bill', but unfortunately, his Freetown host whom they had the business lunch together showed him the fast rule of ' one man for himself'. They both paid for what was on their bill individually. Despite his gazes at the business man, he never felt compelled to pay for our dear Doctor, but he spelt out after the meeting when Dr JTF couldn't swallow his thoughts but to challenge him that; " Sorry Doctor that you had to learn it this way, but even though we are in Freetown, but there is no free lunch here. Everyone picks their bill when they go out for lunch whether on invitation or all alone".

In the business man's words, it was glaring he knew the attitude of Nigerians towards money. He made known to the Doctor that Nigerians are rich, and can afford to pay for lunch, breakfast or dinner for anyone, and the reverse is the case in Freetown, but I must oppose that most men in Nigeria these days are beginning to take a cue from the Freetown based on their approach to spending. A male friend once posted on his timeline on Facebook, he narrated how he had to make his girlfriend's friends pay for their orders, and how he was not apologetic about it.

Another encounter with a military man who said and I quote " Ladies do carry vex money in their pocket in case they get trashed by men". He asked me, " Am I right?" I nodded in agreement " Yes". Minutes after his statement, I stylishly checked my wallet if I had my ATM card in there before I get knocked out on the table. This is a lesson for any gender. Going out for lunch with a rich friend doesn't mean you should go out with your hands dangling, please have a backup cash! And to our ladies that are after freebies, we could be a victim of this one of these days, BECAUSE MEN HAVE STARTED DREAMING OF BIGGER THINGS THAN PAYING FOR UNINVITED GUESTS THAT STEAL THEIR MONEY AND ENDED UP NOT MAKING THEIR DATES WORTHWHILE.

MTN, GLO, 9mobile and any telecommunication company wouldn't give you "awoof" and not find a way to get back their tithe. A MAN WOULDN'T GIVE YOU A FREE RIDE AND NOT ASK FOR YOUR SERVICES " DIGIT", "FRIENDSHIP" or SOMETHING ELSE, SO, BE CAUTIOUS.

Friday 6 October 2017


An extract from "Exiting Your Rat Race"....

"You mean it's only these four people raising their hands that know this simple equation? I weep for you all. Everybody stand up now! If you know it sit down, if you don't, remain standing! You are in hot soup this afternoon. Everyone was shivering as Mrs Toriboabe ( the nickname she earned out of punishing students by ordering her victim to kneel down and then put his or her head in between her legs, so that there would be little or no resistance to the flogging) continued to pace up and down.

We were sure that she would flog us that day, fear could be clearly seen on the face of those who have experienced Mrs Toriboabe in the past. For once I regretted putting my chair and table in the front row because she would start the flogging from the front, but then, because I was so short in stature like the biblical Zachaeus, if i had put it at the back, our class teacher would have questioned me because I would not be able to see the chalkboard.  I dare not create a scene for questioning, my spoken English was worse than a chicken's scattering on the sand so the staff room was always a no-go area for us.


I thought I had not heard well when Mrs Toriboabe said she would not flog us until Romoke took a sharp breath of relief. She feared being flogged than hell fire. Wouldn't it have been better if she flogged us? That would have been temporary pain but she decided to feed us words that would stick to us either as motivation or weight that would keep many of us down forever.  How I hate harsh abusive words, especially like hers which took the whole double periods. She was emotional about it, like Martin Luther King Jnr delivering his famous 'I have a dream speech'....."To get this famous book, contact these numbers;
NIGERIA +234 803 630 6636, +234 814 116 1576
USA +1 973 905 9928, +410 689 5045
UAE +971 555 72 9886, +971 52 212 9853

Monday 25 September 2017


They are victims, I was a victim, and you could be a victim of the poverty syndrome that makes the poor dejected. Muhammad Yunus writes, "Poor people are bonsai people. There is nothing wrong in their seeds. Simply, society never gave them the base to grow on. All it needs to get the poor people out of poverty for us to create an enabling environment for them. Once the poor can unleash their energy and creativity, poverty will disappear very quickly." What Muhammad insinuates, is that the society is a supporting factor that oils the engine of poor people, thereby making them stagnant. 

Charles Barkley says "Poor people have been voting democrat for 50years... And they're still poor". This is extracted from the US electioneering, and it's glaring what Barkley asserts, that poor people sometimes lack discretion. They vote people that are not profitable to change their situation, and in the end, leading to their stagnancy. 

Laying credence to this fact, Mother Teresa explained in one of her notes, "I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn't touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God". She was of the opinion that, love and care are the tools to make the poor fit into the society, and that could be gotten with money when the rich needs them. She would do anything for the poor to recuperate, while the rich will spend to get cured.

E.M Foster says; "We are not concerned with the very poor. They are unthinkable, and only to be approached by the statistician or the poet". Here, the poor are forgotten, why? They are disgusting, a friend said. They are only remembered when the nation needs their statistics either to compare them to the rich, or for record purpose, but definitely not for economic reform to favour them. And the poet writes about them as inspired by him. This is one of the inspirations that turn a leaflet to the dark side of the world.
I say therefore, this life is Bent, that the poor on bended knees cannot afford a Bentley. They walk in dark alleys, subways, bus stations, pathways, under the bridge, beg and take shelter there. Why are they unfortunate? A social media expert says; their fore fathers are lazy, and the laziness brought about the unfortunate circumstance. Can we justify that saying? In my opinion, I believe they are the unfortunate sect that strive to make ends meet, do odd jobs, beg to put food on their table. I have the opinion that most fortunately rich people are not often hardworking, and a reason for the bend. 

Some people however categorise themselves as the average members of the society, but in a case where the economy is bent, they might be a victim of poverty. This is where discretion comes in. We are the product of our society. The leaders that govern us can mar or bless us, and this is an eye opener for an average citizen that is learned. If care is not taken, an average man could turn to a poor man overnight, and a rich man a beggar, so being poor is relative.


Saturday 9 September 2017


Oshodi was always a drama centre when my mum was selling, not in a the road side. It coloured my entrepreneurship journey and made me street-wise. You can't rule out the drama that accompanied each day. It was a setting of unlettered women selling by the road side to support their husbands financially in order to help their kids through their tertiary education. That time, I was in school with two of my siblings. When my mum woke you at five in the morning...congratulation buddy! You have just won yourself a free ticket to see "ere-ori-itage" (stage drama).

If there's a  'customer', my mother would snatch my James Hadley Chase book and asked me to remove my hands from my pocket and convince the customer to buy her goods. She had to remind us always that we were not "butty" (affluent)  and should stop behaving as  one...but I can't let a course mate see me again after Simbi had seen me...but she couldn't tell anyone in class because I had once seen her too buying used clothes at gatankowa market. So it's 50-50.

This particular Saturday was drama filled. "Area boys" had come to collect their usual money. They asked,  "owo bukky da?" I was rebuking the devil tempting me to ask who bukky was because, if the huge guy with black lips and red eyes like hot charcoal in my grand dad's cherished local iron that burnt my "ileya" cloth and primary school uniform when I tried to iron them myself should hit me, "walahi" hospital would reject me.

My sister observed that I was going to be in trouble, she quickly gave them three hundred naira but she was too afraid to ask for fifty naira change. After they had left, she told me they meant booking fee, "owo booking". That was just a build up to the dramatic day...

A beautiful lady was pricing "Dustin powder" from "iya oyinbo" (the name she got after giving birth to albino two years earlier)...phew! The little girl she was backing just slipped and fell.
From nowhere, iya Ogbomoso just surfaced. Her face was a replica of Gbenga Adeboye's friend who fought lion in one of his comedy album.

 My brother was of the opinion that the person who made her tribal mark though was wicked but had a good handwriting because the lines were well drawn and neatly arranged. For me, the person should be on terrorist list, because eleven lines on each cheek was act of terrorism.

The lady was trying to pick her daughter but iya Ogbomoso stopped her. "She's my baby!" "Yes, we know!!!" The women replied. "If you're careless enough to let your baby slip from your back, you must face the consequences and what the situation demands to save your baby" iya Ogbomoso said.

"Naked yourself, start dancing round the baby seven times or else there would be problem for her when she gets married...she would be losing her husbands" the crowd started giving different versions of their beliefs. "I don't believe this! The beautiful lady managed to say as she cried. "It has nothing to do with your belief, 'alakowe'" said iya oyinbo.

The omo ibos, (as they call the Igbos in the area) started encouraging the lady to go nude, not because they believed in the superstition but because they wanted to see movie you can't see on AIT.

Dear friend, things get complicated when we refuse to cater for and guard jealously our brain-child. Some things we do kill our babies at conception or tender age. 'Its your baby! Yes, we know!'
You've got to birth the idea and nurture it. Don't mind the deafening and direction-less noise of the crowd. You've got to do what you need to do to save your brain-child. Follow the necessary steps...

*Think deeply and conceive the baby.

*Like a great mother, put things in place before the birth.

*The place of birth is not so important if you have vision and purpose. Remember that Jesus was birthed in a manger but He's world brand today. Henry Ford birthed and nurtured his brainchild at his father's garage. Facebook was abnormal baby when it was birthed in a college.

*Nurture your newborn. Get a good mentor to wash your baby thoroughly to avoid body odour in future.

*Guard it jealously from abnormal growth.

...just like twins, raising them is challenging but when they grow, you can point from afar to any of them and say to anyone with pride...that's my baby!

Written for Global Purpose Network

Odunmorayo Olalekan Matthew
Author of the new book EXITING YOUR RAT RACE

Saturday 19 August 2017


 I was on my way home from school when I saw a boy raining curse on a boy of his age but well built. People around were trying to prevent him from advancing toward the calm boy, but he was blinded by his anger and he threw punches at the two older people trying to restrain him. About half of the gathering shouted, 'let him go!'. Simultaneously, the people holding him released his arms and off he went towards the well composed opponent...You want to know what happened to him?
He was flattened by few punches that landed on his jaw...
I think Nnamdi Kanu is fast approaching that stage but I have no message for him before his sympathisers starts asking what concerns Yoruba with Biafra. I will rather ask our man with presidential ambition a simple question: PRESIDENT FAYOSE, IF A MAN CALLED NNAMDI KANU CONSTITUTED BIAFRA SECRET SERVICE WITHIN THE TERRITORY YOU ARE GOVERNING, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?

In my opinion, Femi Fani-Kayode is more intelligent and more strategic, and should have a good answer: Dear sir, WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE IF YOU WERE THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ODUDUWA YOU WERE AGITATING FOR?

Dear leader, when many Nigerians are at the brink of taking your party to abattoir to be sluttered, you are one of, if not the only one we look up-to to wave the magic wand. As a Senior Advocate, what would you call what Kanu, who was seven months old in his mother's womb when biafra war started in 1967, just did?
Becoming a doormat is not a sign of humility, it is a sign of weakness.
It is the day referendum is conducted that Kanu will know he has been betrayed. Just like the boy in the story was released, I wish Kanu is released to be given a sucker punch at referendum. No igbo wants him as leader. He lacks the qualities, only stubbornness like the one that killed Pharaoh.  

Odunmorayo Olalekan Matthew                 Author and Speech writer

Tuesday 25 July 2017


Ab' eleja yan is a particular tag used for a zealous person who goes into roasting a fish without the owner's consent and who at the end of the day do not get a reward for the selfless service. Ab'eleja yan is a word coined out of yoruba words mostly given to time wasters who will not subsequently be the owners of a particular thing, lover, job or anything related that they have toiled to get. 'EJA' in this context is fish and it could be a human being or thing. This tag is given to Waje because of the circumstance she found herself.

 When she was younger, she used to live like the world was free, NAIVE, INNOCENT and SINGLE MINDED, but when she took a step out of her comfort zone, she got trapped. She got intertwined in a love web which created a WELL SEASONED TRAUMA that hunts her to cover all her shame in her closet.
A peasant farmer is her father and a lover of a girl child indeed! All his effort to plant and harvest in due time was to meet up with the payment of his daughter's school fees. Lima toiled day and night to see Waje succeed, and also to travel round the world in search of GREENER PASTURE. Waje used to be a good girl who loves to work harder to get whatever thing she wanted, and this led to her career pursuit in the college.

According to the aesthetic design
and vision of life, as ONE GOES HIGHER, the MORE LIBERATED the PERSON BECOMES, and the TOUGHER the GAME BECOMES. Waje used to be a great personality she had been over the years while in school until she met a young boy who disguised like a saint. She was in her second year when the murmurs and whispers of love songs started approaching her ears. Cornell is a handsome boy with GREAT INTELLIGENCE in WOMANIZING and Waje wouldn't escape his trap.

Waje fell victim of his lies and deception after series of attempts to win her to his side. A year and few months after the duo had been together, Cornell broke up with Waje, and the agony started.  She started counting her loss, her WASTED TIME, EFFORT, INACTIVITY TOWARDS HER EDUCATION, AND ABOVE ALL, HER LOST VIRGINITY. After few months, she heard that Cornell has been hooked up with a rich man's daughter whom he will get married to after leaving the college. WAJE IS INDEED AN AB'ELEJA YAN!

Waje's story is just a fiction, but ab'eleja yan surely exists. At one stage or the other, we have been trapped by what we love to do, LOVING, WORKING, and OTHERS, BUT EVENTUALLY GET TRASHED OUT AND OVERRULED BY OTHER PEOPLE.  How can we avoid the tag 'Ab'eleja yan' ? The race of life is endless until death comes, and there is no definite way one can escape this at a point in time. If  you dont get tagged now, maybe later, because we have all invested in things that did not yield reward and some will still do too. WE WIN SOME, AND WE LOSE SOME...

Saturday 1 July 2017


Necromancy is a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead; black art, magic in general, especially that practice by a witch or sorcerer; sorcery; witchcraft; conjuration. According to the above, can we liken Jesus to a necromancer? Some people with the vague knowledge of existence and the creations of God have and could have likened Jesus to a necromancer, but the fact is closer than anything, the account, the BIBLE!

According to the bible, Jesus is the product of God; John 3: 16. In Genesis when God created the heaven and earth, it was only pronouncements, example; "Let there be light", and there was light. He owns the word and He controls it. This shows that God is the author of word, because he never consulted any sorcery book or divination to make anything come to being.

The act of the Trinity, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is key here. God created man, made him in his own image and crafted beings in different forms, woman and man through his deed. There was no account of consultation from any other party; Genesis 1:27-28.  Imagine a maker of a flying plane running out of ideas to repair a plane he built, that's not possible. That's a human being at work, and now the maker of human being running out of ideas to make the man he created live again after death, it's super impossible! He can never run out of ideas.

Jesus needed just words to make Lazarus and Jairu's daughter live, and exactly what He did; John 11:38-44, Mark 5:21-43. He said to Lazarus; " COME FORTH LAZARUS", and to Jairu's daughter; " TALITHA CUMI" which means, little girl, I say unto you, arise. Jesus never walked with a book of consultation, he never conjured, because he owns the set and reset button of humans. HE HAS THE KEY TO THE WORDS, HE IS NOT A NECROMANCER!

Wednesday 21 June 2017

How Fear Kills Your Dream "The Shadow That Scares You"

When I was younger, I used to love the skipping over a rope game. I would watch my sister play, my neighbours compete and that was how my love for the game built up, but I was scared of something, skipping the rope because of fear of losing. There was no time I was called to play the game that I wouldn't make out excuses like, I don't like games, I don't want to fall, the rope is lengthy, the rope is not lengthy enough, and the list goes on and on.

This fear built in me that I practically hated all games. What is this fear? the "Fear of the Unknown" , losing before being defeated! I held grudges within me for my inability to face this monster named fear, but it conquered me times without number, the common ludo game became a PS4 games, the well known WHOT became xbox one games. Little did I know that it was killing my power to explore my abilities, talents and technical expertise. I continued in this manner till I started getting challenged by people that go to training schools to learn what I am good at naturally, then the fire arouse.  The fire to keep walking like the lame that got freed. I started daring things I wouldn't give a second thought, and the chains of fear started breaking.

There is nothing like "phobia", we created it in our heads. Fear lives in us because we allowed it in the first place. A timid soul will never be daring, he hides under the canopy of humility, avoidance of I-too-know tag, but all these are EXCELLENT EXCUSES FOR STAGNANCY. I woke up to one reality that, if I do not dare it, I will never get it, be it game, career, extra curricular activities in all facets of life, I will be like a novice who is worse than an illiterate and eventually die with virtues people would have remembered me for. All these put together formed a creative slogan "DON'T LET YOUR INNER ABILITY BECOME YOUR INABILITY".

In as much as you created fear within you, maybe through a failed attempt, actions of people against you, or your personal defect, you can kill it. That moment you stand up to the task, raise your head high and get focused on the goal, game, project execution, speaking up for your right, whatever it may be that is right, you are heading towards the sky. Competition is a necessity, putting your best in the right way by not getting distracted by your competitors, because in that competition lies the existence of such business, service, career, games and all. DO NOT ALLOW FEAR TO SILENCE YOU FROM ACHIEVING WHAT YOU LOVE, DEAL WITH IT!

Sunday 18 June 2017


A decoy they say it is, the recruitment of young, beautiful and talented ladies in the marketing industry. An application which reads that:" a young, not above the age of 30, beautiful, specifically fair complexioned, intelligent, with an upper credit from a notable university is required in a marketing firm... Note, the applicant must be a female" has a clause, and what is this clause? This and many more will be discussed  subsequently.

A human resource representative knows each and every implication of recruiting a figure with no input in an organisation, hence the fast track of job specification with a defined qualities of who to be expected, so as to avoid delay of service. According to the above requirements, an old cargo is not required, a dark complexioned lady will be an after thought, a beautiful person with a shallow mind might have little or no chance of getting the job. Who exactly are we looking for, a model with beauty quality or a genius in the marketing field?

According to Michelle Krier of Clear Edge Marketing, she says; Because marketing is always evolving, and keeping up with the latest and greatest is a challenge, I look for things on the resume that demonstrate this person is go-getting and has initiative to keep pace. Have they taken on greater responsibilities, either with a long term employer or through job changes? Are they involved in industry or marketing organisations? Those small cues provide important insights for evaluating if the candidate could be the right fit. There are some soft skills that evaluate in conjunction with the skills and qualifications of the candidate. Do they seem excited about what they do? Are they naturally curious and eager to learn? Do they seem to have initiative and drive to succeed?

Professionally, skills in the desired area are firstly considered before any other thing, but recently, appearance has the lead. Most HR representatives hinge this on the common saying which goes thus; You are addressed the way you dress. Dressing is not the major consideration in some firms, good looks, stature, beauty have stolen the original idea of competency in the marketing industry and this makes females the targets. Going by the unprofessional way, they believe that getting what you want with what you have is the speedy way to achieve success, by neglecting the integrity that such companies, firms, organisations mostly include as part of their missions and visions.

Going by what Michelle Brammer of eZanga said; "The world of marketing evolves so quickly. If you're unwilling to learn, you'll miss out on excellent opportunities to move marketing efforts, and brand, forward. Candidates should have a verifiable curiosity to learn, and not just in business. Personal interests are very insightful too. Did a candidate learn a new language, take online courses to learn how to code, or even take up a complicated hobby? Awesome! This tells me that they are okay with being outside their comfort zone too", a marketer should learn how to diversify, be proactive, smart enough to see opportunities on his or her toes, but the reverse is the case now.

Scandals are on the increase due to lack of professional methods of marketing services and products of companies to prospects. Could this be a cue from the HR representatives inability to be professional, or the major intentions of employees (prospective marketers) to take the bull by the horn, taking the competition to another level? This negligence in most cases makes most organisation lose their integrity and completely get beaten out of the labour market.

Monday 29 May 2017


By: Odunmorayo Olalekan Matthew
        Author and speech writer.

"Our journey as a nation has never been easy, it has always been TWO STEPS FORWARD, ONE STEP BACKWARD"
Those were the words of the 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama in his last address to the nation as president.

Democracy in any country has never been easy. It's full of ups and downs, political drama, sabotage, imbalance equation between the few positive minded and numerous negative minded people majorly influenced by the rich, powerful, selfish, score-settling individuals to jeopardize the progress. When their plans work out, then Barack Obama words would read as ONE STEP FORWARD, TWO STEPS BACKWARD.

Mathematically, that is one minus two. We don't need to look for a professor to provide answer to this. A smart nursery school kid would tell you it's MINUS ONE. Still getting out of the mud.
Nigeria what are you doing?! What is wrong with being black?! Why are we still where we were?! Do our problems defiled positive solution?!

'If our party had been in power, things would have been better'... dear politicians and political bloggers, don't feed us that nonsense. The same government was in power at the federal and cross river state yet TINAPA failed to work.

Having been to the Dubai Mall and Tinapa dozens of time, the only major thing which separates them is that there's traffic of human beings in the former while the latter has traffic of toads making irritating sound.

In this present world, a country that will compete favourably ought to have uninterrupted power supply and her poorest citizens living far above miserable one dollar the world powers are measuring us with.

Until we fix those things that are urgent and important for our existence, the negative equation will continue its consistent ugly run.
We do not really need to suggest so many solutions to our problems because the solutions are begging the questions. All that is needed is COMMITMENT, PLEDGE, and LOVE FOR THE NATION CALLED NIGERIA.

God bless our nation and good leaders who have masses interest at heart and ACT.

Thursday 18 May 2017

How Whistle Blowers and Other Reasons Cripple Celebrities' Marriages

One marital mistake every soul makes is the zeal to meet up to the standard expected by people watching them, and this however stretches the line of competition which succinctly ends most people with spouses that are not compatible with their personality. This ideology is rampant amongst adults of marriageable ages these days and it is chronic among people mostly celebrated in all sectors,  especially entertainment industry.

In recent times, wedding is highly classified than marriage itself, and the real meaning of marriage is no where to be found than the bin where it is trashed. In order to avoid exaggeration, most wedding ceremonies have huge expenses ruined on them, while little efforts are avoided to make the marriage work or successful.

These are some of the reasons most celebrities' marriage crash;

- Whistle Blowers: The whistle blowers are everywhere around almost all the celebrities.  They are the rumour mongers, stalkers that follow them on social media, they come as friends,  and they aim at nothing but to help you blow your weakneses to the world. Sometimes some celebrities are the whistle blowers of their private lives because their fingers are readily on their tabs to expose both good and bad they encounter on a daily basis, and all these complicate matter more.

-  Lack of Love: A marriage counsellor once said to me; most people getting married these days are merely interested in the "tag". They want people to see that they are hooked up with rich, famous, and good looking personality and these make them to lose focus on what the selflessness of love in marriage entails. They mostly gun for the name calling ' she's married, he is married'.

-Internal and External Pressure: Most celebrities settle for people they are not compatible with because of the pressure from both parents and colleagues, and fans inclusive. Some say ; 'You don tey for market', and the next line is to settle for someone who is an acquaintance whose intention is not verified just because he/ she showed interest for a short time.

- Pride: What pride can destroy in few minutes, it cannot build in several years in most cases. Most celebrities that encounter hiccups in their marriages have been victims of pride. There is no crime in correcting one's spouse, and there is no crime being submissive when corrected.  No marriage rule forbids begging when one party hurts the other, and no rule says rejection of plea is absolute.

- Privacy: Most celebrities have jeopardized the place of their privacy by divulging all their activities to the world. Their marital news is everywhere, on air, social media, like their fans care about their private life so much not to criticise them.

- Unnecessary Entertainment of Interviews: Did your fans get you married to your spouse? Why do you think they need that part of your life story? Would your interview vindicate you to be a saint? These are the questions you should ask yourself. Some celebrities feel that every inadequacy in their marriages needs explanation to the world.  They often want to rebuild their image when they sense failure in their marital lives, hence they take up interviews that put the whole event to the face of the public. Mind you, a fan that supports your private life going public doesn't have your interest at heart.  True fans often love unconditionally,  and what they firstly fell in love with should be your art and skill in your field, but when it goes beyond that, you are beginning to be their crush. Don't be afraid when such fan jubilates when your marriage hits the rock. Your fans are not interested in your in abilities, they only need you to make amendments and represent them.

- Priority: Do not prioritise your career than your home, and do not jeopardize your career as well. Some celebrities are single because they enjoy the independence,  but your ability to choose marriage has given you a responsibility that you musn't fail to do diligently.

These and many more are the reasons some celebrities fail in their marriage. Let's take a clue from Olu Jacobs and Joke Silva, they are both not perfect, but they keep fighting on, because marriage is a commitment and not some melodramas to be played to the world.

Thursday 16 March 2017


The beautiful gates are not often opened by the rich, the poor man opens the gate at the command of the rich. An extravaganza was what I demanded for at my wedding party, and my fiancé had no choice but to grant my request. I wanted to be in place of Herod's daughter, whom her father asked her to demand for anything she wanted because she danced so well, alas, she demanded for John's head. My case was different, I demanded that the wretched housemaid of my fiancé's parents to do a stripper's dance for me. I hated the girl the first day I met her.

My wedding day approached, and so the excitement to spite the girl aroused.  Few hours to the party, the girl pleaded with me to allow her to cover a little bit of her nakedness, I refused, shouted at her and walked majestically to the venue. And when the time she was about to launch the dance came, some guests felt so disgusted at the sight of the girl, some walked away, but others enjoyed the show. To my surprise, my husband was so engrossed with the show, but my tap woke him back to life. 

I became restless and I asked him why his eyes were glued to the girl, he yelled at me saying; I wanted the crowd to get entertained, and he is one of the audience. That moment I knew I dug my grave with a mechanized machine. My husband complained of stomach upset and exit to the rest room. Few minutes to the time my husband went to the restroom, the maid rounded off her dance and went to the restroom to put on her clothes. I became restless and bad thoughts came rushing. 

The master of ceremony called the couple for the cutting of the cake, but my husband was no where to be found. I whispered to the MC to call my husband out of the restroom which he did, but I kept panicking till the end of the ceremony. At the end, I asked my husband what kept him so long in the restroom, he was so fast with his reply; " I took too much beer at the bachelor's eve, and I had to purge my system". I believed him and we continued our life happy ever after.

Two months later, my mother inlaw came with her maid, but I warned the girl never to sit on my couch. My mother inlaw pleaded with me to allow her a place in my heart. Some minutes later, my husband entered with his father and sisters, I started wondering what the unannounced visitation was about. They sat down and started pleading with me, but my sister inlaw couldn't hold her temper as she said; "the maid is pregnant for your husband and you caused it". I stood up and moved closer to her, but my husband stood up to protect her, and I heard those words that broke my bones.

The true confession of my husband stated that, he met the maid crying as he was leaving the restroom, and helped her into the ladies and that was when the attraction began as he couldn't resist the nakedness. He said he has never been attracted to the girl for the past 10 years she started serving his parents, but I made her naked for his eyes to see, and since then he could not live without her. My husband was having an affair with his maid, and all the times he was visiting his parents, his mind was always looking forward to seeing the maid.  I didn't get pregnant within the two months, but the girl did. My case is like a rabbit that dug a hole, and the hole finally trapped it. 

I cried my eyes out all night, but my husband left our matrimonial room for the maid's room. My inlaws had relocated her to my house, so I looked up and started thinking of how I would live in the same house with a dirty thing that disgusts me. Come to think of it, her offence was that she hugged my husband the first day I went to visit his parents, and I became jealous. See what jealousy has caused me. I lost my husband totally to a maid. I had no choice than to divorce, retrace my steps and get back on my feet.

Most times, we hate the poor, throw dirts at them, even get jealous sometimes, despite the fact that they have nothing. We always take joy in making them unhappy by widening the gap between the rich and the poor, but we shouldn't forget that all those pains are teaching the poor how to fight back, possess their possessions and rule over us. Nigeria got independence from her colonial master by fighting back because the slavery had sharpened her citizens to possess their possession. A rich man is not meant for only the rich lady, and the rich lady is not meant only for the rich man. Whenever one misuses the opportunity, there could be a role reversal. 

Saturday 4 March 2017


When we cannot comprehend our systemic failure anymore, it is easy to brand other people enemies of our progress. That is the new law in South Africa and they have made me look up word I have never looked up in the dictionary, xenophobia- the irrational fear of foreigners or strangers.

About two decades ago, every black person was good to the South Africa because every country on the continent stood firm for them eventhough those countries needed the resources they expended for their own development. Even unkind Abacha was kind to them.
The poem, Nightfall in Soweto was inspiring as Africans fought through apartheid even Nigerians elite fought it more than fighting the tyrants in Aso Rock at the time. But how on earth would the murderers' hands lurking in the shadows, clasping the daggers to strike down the helpless victims be those of apartheid kids saved few decades ago by those they now branded enemies? Now we are the prey, your fellow black men!

Mandiba the great came out of prison after twenty-seven horrible years and became president. He showed the world how to live by visiting the tomb of his jailer and discouraging the whites from leaving the land. Desmond Tutu was never wrong when he said, Nelson your people have failed you! Nearly all government in Africa have failed. They lack direction and now the black race suffer for their vision-less leadership. Libya is no place to live for a fellow African and now South Africa. We do not have to lose our heads as a strategy to eject criminal, it only requires working policies to put excesses of indigenes and foreigners under check, but our leaders cannot think to formulate policies that will make us prosper in our own land (except there's something in it for them), let alone foreigners without breaking laws.

Fellow Africans, if our heads have lost their heads and are not helping our situations, we should not lose ours by killing one another. Live according to the law of your host country as a foreigner: remember that earning little legitimately is far better than amassing wealth illegally, it is unjust to everyone in the land. Your ill actions affect everyone holding the passport of your nation.
May our leaders receive mindset, strength and understanding to lead us right. May the spirit of love, oneness and fairness regardless ethnicity and religious differences rest on us. God bless Africans!

Odunmorayo Olalekan Matthew
Author and speech writer

Friday 3 February 2017


Eric is a daily commuter on the ballot street, the road leads to his office and it serves as a short cut to avoid traffic of the morning hustle and bustle. As a bachelor, he chose a restaurant where he picks up a food package on the street before he continues his morning drive to work, and this has been his routine even after the gentleman got married to his beautiful wife.

On a monday morning, Maria cried out to her husband from the bathroom to take along a sumptuous meal she prepared from the dining table, but Eric rushed down the stairs lamenting that he was behind schedule. In annoyance, Maria rushed down with her towel tied to her body with soap bubbles, and here comes the eruption of quarrel between the couple.  She asked Eric the benefits of the road side food he jumps at every morning above her meal. She burst into tears and demanded to get an answer, else she will conclude that her husband has been enchanted.

Immediately Maria mentioned 'enchanted' , Eric lost his strength and the sofa was close to him, so he took his seat. He made something special known to his wife by seating her down to explain a fact to her. Eric explains " My rib, I am an entrepreneur, and I understand certain things in the business world. In a book written by Guy Kawasaki, he says " The process of enchantment is not about manipulating people. Enchantment transforms situations into relationships.  It converts hostility into civility and civility into affinity.  It changes skeptics and cynics into believers and the undecided into the loyal."

He continues... apart from the fact above, one of the endorser of Guy's book, Sir Richard Branson, Founder of the Virgin Group also stated that " The book captures the importance and the art of believing in an idea that delivers something unique to the customer....". Maria, I love you and no one has enchanted me, not TK restaurant, not even the most beautiful staff there, but I gained their trust when you were yet to build a business of marriage with me. From the least staff to the owner of the restaurant have good customer relationship and if you did your assignment very well, you would have heard that they have the highest number of customers on the ballot street.

"Maria, you are a great cook, and I have always eaten your dinner, but you are yet to convince me to pick up your breakfast. I don't have to get down from the car to pick a package from TK restraunt, they have my number and all they do is to put a call through and my usual is always the response. My breakfast is often delivered to me at a tap on my phone, but my love,  you can convince me. Let me know that you can put my breakfast in the car before I am in haste to pick it up myself. Let me know that the airtime I use in calling TK for my usual is a waste, let me know that the little minute for stopping over could steal my time. I respect you Maria, you can buy me from TK, and I will surely be your regular customer. Magic is far from it, witchcraft is not the word, sorcery is not appropriate, wizardry is a misconception, conjuration is not acceptable, but a feeling of being attracted to something interesting, a routine of loyal satisfaction and not a magic spell at all".

Maria sighed after the whole narration, and she wasted no time at all, she picked up the food and followed Eric to the car. She made a statement as she closed the car door " Robert Scoble says " You feel it when you drive a BMW, touch an Apple ipad, walk into a Sephora store, or buy from Zappos. Kawasaki reveals how you can deliver the same enchanting experiences as these famous brands." I am ready to take you from TK restraunt as Maria delicacy will be all you take as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Don't worry about how I will do the lunch, there is always a way out". They both smiled and he zoomed off.

According to Guy Kawasaki, " Enchantment can happen during a retail transaction, a high level corporate negotiation, or a Facebook update. And when done right, it's more powerful than traditional persuassion, influence, or marketing techniques.  The goal is not merely to get what you want, but to bring about a voluntary, enduring, and delightful change in other people.  By enlisting their own goals and desires, by being likable and trustworthy, and framing a cause that others can embrace, you can change hearts, minds, and actions." Your level of persuasion can determine how far you can go in your business.

Saturday 21 January 2017

The Beauty of a Peafowl and the Intelligence of a Monkey

A pidgin saying goes thus; "monkey no fine, but in mama like am". This means that, no matter how ugly a monkey is, the mother will always appreciate it. What do we classify as beauty? Sometimes it is in the eyes of the beholder, sometimes it is the outward look that is appreciated, other times it is classified as good character. Beauty is a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. It is often used as a general term of approval.

Monkeys are one of the funniest animals on earth.  They have over 250 breeds of their species and their intelligence can be measured according to the human intelligence. In this vein, monkeys can be regarded as having a beautified intelligence despite their ugly looking nature. They have feelings, emotions, love, hate, compassion just like a man. If a baby monkey is groomed, it can reflect the beauty in its nature to man.

A peacock is beautiful, but it is known as a proud bird (animal). Most people know this bird as peacock, but the general name is peafowl, while the male is peacock, female is peahen,  and the babies are called peachicks. A peafowl believes in its beautiful feathers and this makes it feel like the most beautiful bird in the world.

The monkey and the peafowl have been enjoying a general term that is not meant only for them. There are so many ugly animals in the jungle, even in the river, and there are so many beautiful animals on earth. Humans have not been adventurous enough to see some wonders of nature and this has caused the peafowl to feel too relevant, and also caused the monkey to feel less loved.

In a research done by Thomas Swan, he rated some animals as most beautiful animals. Mandarin fish, Fennec Fox, Black Backed Kingfisher, Zanzibar Red, Colobus Caracal, Candy Crab, Swallow- tailed Humming bird, Poison Dart Frog, Tiger, Sunset Moth are the animals classified as 10 most beautiful animals from the bottom to the top and it amazed me that Peafowl is no where to be found in the classification. In another research, Blobfish, Tarsier, Angora rabbit and some others were ranked as the 10 most ugly animals, and to my surprise, monkeys, gorilla and chimpanzees are no where to be found.

You might feel you are the ugliest human being on earth, or probably the most beautiful, that means you have not been adventurous. If you move far from your comfort or oppressing zone, you will see people that are uglier than you and the ones that are more beautiful than you. Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder, let's appreciate nature and creations.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

BUHARI AND THE LEGISLATORS MUST DANCE NAKED IN THE PUBLIC;"The Criminality of the Constitution that Allows Legislators to Earn so Much out of an Economy Wallowing in Penury"

Nigerians are not interested in your naked body, but are interested in how transparent and selfless your service will be after the exercise under the scorching sun at the polling booths favoured all the legislators. A cogent question to be asked is; Why is the salary and allowances of the lawmakers are so much at variance to the GDP ( Gross Domestic Product) of the nation, as some workers are not paid or less paid? The absentia of working social amenities and enjoyment of fat and seemingly illegal salaries and allowances by lawmakers are spotted as loopholes in the Nigerian way of leadership which is back tracking the development of the country, and these are the reasons for looking into the following.

Nigeria has a population of over 180 million people. Out of this 180 million, over 120 million now live below poverty line. This means that about 66% of the population of Nigerians live below poverty line......& this is a country that claims to be THE GIANT OF AFRICA!?!?!? This is the deplorable situation we find ourselves due to decades of gross mismanagement and pillaging of our resources by our so-called leaders. In the past forty-five years, countries like Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea, who were not as developed as Nigeria in the 1960s have vastly developed because of visionary leaderships that drove their nations. These countries are flourishing in their economy, maximising their GDP by spending it on institutions, being less corrupt and diverting their religiousity to boom their economy by not using it as an excuse to remain stagnant. The twisted irony is that of a rich father with poor children: He invested the money he should have used to develop his own family on other families' growth and expects a good reaction from those families. Those other families can only see such a father as a fool, and they continue to flourish with their members as the foolish father faces the wrath of abuses and witch haunting by his children. This is the analogy of most of our so-called leaders in the past 40 years, particularly in the past 25 years. These stolen monies are used to develop the economies of the countries where these monies are kept. If these monies have been invested in Nigeria, it would have greatly helped the growth and advancement of the country.

Reuben Abati says in a piece titled 'Nobody Comes to Abuja to Read' that; "Ideas drive and build nations. A country without a positive and deep current of thought is bound to run into crisis" as we see in Nigeria's economy today. " So it is with Nigeria where the leaders only become animated when they want to share money or  play partisan politics..... Try and compare the cabinet list in Singapore with that of Nigeria, for example. The difference is clear. The message is clear. The answer lies in a re-configuration of the leadership recruitment process and the vigilance of civil society insisting on higher values".

We have a prevalent situation where our legislators refuse to study how their counterparts in other flourishing countries administer their law making that helps to promote consistent growth and advancement. Our Nigerian lawmakers are content with the part of the constitution that allows & affords them fat bank accounts and living lavishly in the midst of socio-economic crisis; they refuse to make it possible to change the aspect of the constitution that will slash their salaries & allowances but they are more than happy to debate and amend 'Social Media Bill' that will restrict freedom of information because the restriction of such information will suit them and allow them to carry out their nefarious acts that the flawed constitution allows. The 'clan based approach' in recruitment exercises has crippled most sectors of the economy. This has led to 'brain drain' whereby most of our capable citizens have had to migrate to foreign countries where their skills & know how are appreciated, to be used for the development of their host countries. This brain drain is a massive challenge for the present Buhari government who needs competent Nigerians to help the country out of this period of crisis"

Singapore's economy has been ranked as the most open in the world, 7th least corrupt, most pro-business, with low tax rates and has the third highest per-capita GDP in the world in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The lesson derived from this is that the Rome of Singapore was not built in a day, and the parliamentarians there have worked so hard to gain this record. Nigeria's economy is not to be run like the personal affairs of a select few who want to subject the masses to a state of fiefdom with their feudal mentality. Nigeria is meant to be run in a business-like manner by great, thoughtful visionary leaders whose handiwork would manifest the dividends of a well run state. Nigerians should uncompromisingly demand for a leadership with the political will to sanction those political office holders who fall below expectations.

Electorates should no longer be subjected to the politics of 'stomach infrastructure' whereby those, who should hold the persons seeking political power to account, are reduced to the status of beggars.

Nigerians NOW demand an enabling, business-friendly environment where myriad taxes & rates levies won't cripple budding businesses or organisations that want to contribute to the socio-economic advancement of the nation. Most start-up businesses are crushed by the draconian levies by local, state and federal governments; there are no tax moratorium given that would give these businesses a breathing space to develop. THIS MUST BE ADDRESSED FOR THE SAKE OF THE COMMON MAN WHO GENUINELY WANTS TO MAKE HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF NIGERIA!!!

The citizens want to see the allowances & salaries of the legislators to be commensurate to the GDP of the country. In other countries in the world, their constitutions does NOT allow their legislators to earn outrageously more than the level of their GDPs dictate. I make bold to claim that our legislators at the National Assembly make more than 1000% of the GDP of our nation. It is evidently clear that most of our people seeking political office are ready, willing & able to commit all sorts of heinous atrocities to gain power purely because of the financial & material gains they are targeting to achieve, not because of the nobility of service to the nation. Examples abound of so many people who got into politics and have acquired stupendous wealth overnight whilst their constituents, who they claim they want to serve, still wallow is poverty and nothing to show as the dividends of democracy.