Friday 3 February 2017


Eric is a daily commuter on the ballot street, the road leads to his office and it serves as a short cut to avoid traffic of the morning hustle and bustle. As a bachelor, he chose a restaurant where he picks up a food package on the street before he continues his morning drive to work, and this has been his routine even after the gentleman got married to his beautiful wife.

On a monday morning, Maria cried out to her husband from the bathroom to take along a sumptuous meal she prepared from the dining table, but Eric rushed down the stairs lamenting that he was behind schedule. In annoyance, Maria rushed down with her towel tied to her body with soap bubbles, and here comes the eruption of quarrel between the couple.  She asked Eric the benefits of the road side food he jumps at every morning above her meal. She burst into tears and demanded to get an answer, else she will conclude that her husband has been enchanted.

Immediately Maria mentioned 'enchanted' , Eric lost his strength and the sofa was close to him, so he took his seat. He made something special known to his wife by seating her down to explain a fact to her. Eric explains " My rib, I am an entrepreneur, and I understand certain things in the business world. In a book written by Guy Kawasaki, he says " The process of enchantment is not about manipulating people. Enchantment transforms situations into relationships.  It converts hostility into civility and civility into affinity.  It changes skeptics and cynics into believers and the undecided into the loyal."

He continues... apart from the fact above, one of the endorser of Guy's book, Sir Richard Branson, Founder of the Virgin Group also stated that " The book captures the importance and the art of believing in an idea that delivers something unique to the customer....". Maria, I love you and no one has enchanted me, not TK restaurant, not even the most beautiful staff there, but I gained their trust when you were yet to build a business of marriage with me. From the least staff to the owner of the restaurant have good customer relationship and if you did your assignment very well, you would have heard that they have the highest number of customers on the ballot street.

"Maria, you are a great cook, and I have always eaten your dinner, but you are yet to convince me to pick up your breakfast. I don't have to get down from the car to pick a package from TK restraunt, they have my number and all they do is to put a call through and my usual is always the response. My breakfast is often delivered to me at a tap on my phone, but my love,  you can convince me. Let me know that you can put my breakfast in the car before I am in haste to pick it up myself. Let me know that the airtime I use in calling TK for my usual is a waste, let me know that the little minute for stopping over could steal my time. I respect you Maria, you can buy me from TK, and I will surely be your regular customer. Magic is far from it, witchcraft is not the word, sorcery is not appropriate, wizardry is a misconception, conjuration is not acceptable, but a feeling of being attracted to something interesting, a routine of loyal satisfaction and not a magic spell at all".

Maria sighed after the whole narration, and she wasted no time at all, she picked up the food and followed Eric to the car. She made a statement as she closed the car door " Robert Scoble says " You feel it when you drive a BMW, touch an Apple ipad, walk into a Sephora store, or buy from Zappos. Kawasaki reveals how you can deliver the same enchanting experiences as these famous brands." I am ready to take you from TK restraunt as Maria delicacy will be all you take as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Don't worry about how I will do the lunch, there is always a way out". They both smiled and he zoomed off.

According to Guy Kawasaki, " Enchantment can happen during a retail transaction, a high level corporate negotiation, or a Facebook update. And when done right, it's more powerful than traditional persuassion, influence, or marketing techniques.  The goal is not merely to get what you want, but to bring about a voluntary, enduring, and delightful change in other people.  By enlisting their own goals and desires, by being likable and trustworthy, and framing a cause that others can embrace, you can change hearts, minds, and actions." Your level of persuasion can determine how far you can go in your business.

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