Thursday 8 December 2016

Nigeria is Getting Hotter, Global Warming at its Peak (Will You Relocate or Do The Needful?)

Aliya Haq says, "There is no other way, if it doesn't start with people." What starts with people? Healing the planet starts with you, in your garage, in your kitchen, and at your dining~room table (Melissa Denchak). A Nigerian citizen once shouted beside me as we were waiting for the arrival of public transport, "Oh this country is getting uninhabitable, I feel I should be in the United Kingdom", and unconsciously the little smile spread all over my face.

Little do we know that we are the agents that caused the depletion of the ozone layer, hence the experience of global warming in this 21st century. Our activities in our homes and beyond have formed the balls that roll over the earth which suddenly caused the atmospheric condition we experience. Global warming and climate change are terms used for the observed century- scale rise in the average temperature of the earth's climate system and its related effect and there are different causes as well as proposed ways to reduce the infliction of this new generation menace.

What are the major causes of global warming? Carbon dioxide emissions is regarded to be the major cause and enemy of the climate, and it is released through coal, oil, and other fossil fuels which are burned for energy. The energy in form of electricity used to power our cooking appliances, charge our smartphones, fumes from cars, energy from air planes and so on. All these and many more are the enjoyed luxuries that cause injury to our planet which most people especially the urban dwellers are not aware of, since they are the people who enjoy most of the new generation technologies. All these cause a high sea level, higher wild life extinction rates, more frequent and severe weather, dirtier air, warming of the ocean surface leading to increased temperature.

How do we save our "Earth"? In actual fact, we can relocate to some countries that are still enjoying good atmospheric condition, especially during winter, but we cannot relocate to other planets when our ignorant activities continue to destroy the countries we regard as still habitable and the result is seen during summer. Some of the things we need to do to save the earth are;

*A need to change to renewable energy. When more than half of our power is generated through solar and wind, then we are a step closer to living in a good climatic condition. In this case, carbon emissions will be averagely reduced.

* According to Aliya Haq,  air transportation is a major air pollution and a train can serve as a better option, and good public transportation can lead to less driving by citizens

* This is a time to invest more in urban planning project as it serves as an escape route out of global warming.

* Green world initiative is encouraged as planting of trees and going organic in our consumption will help to reduce the effect of global warming as stated.

We are always the product of what we make our environment look like. An air conditioner could fail when the hotness becomes unbearable, but our activities can make us enjoy our natural habitat if we can correct all to live a better life, and leave a better earth for our children's generation. #FIGHTGLOBALWARMING.

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