Thursday 1 December 2016


    An adage says; If you want to dine with the devil,your spoon must be long. The devil always has variety of foods placed on his table for those that wish to have a dinner with him, and the foods often come in these forms; riches, ignorance, greed, fornication, adultery, pride, homosexuality, terrorism, and the list can't be exhausted.

People that dine with the devil often go to him with their bottles of wine,  and he provides them with drinking vessels with some plates of assorted foods ( the foods above). This simply means that the devil only works on people when they have the trait of evil in them. An outright man can be difficult for the devil to perpetrate, but a man that his mind has strayed away is a useful tool for the devil, and this has a close relation with an adage that goes thus; an idle man is the devil's workshop.

Man becomes a fool at the devil's party because devil has not come to satisfy you, but to add more to your burdens, by giving you a buffet offer to add to your bottle of wine ( what you are brooding on). The devil cannot wipe your tears, but can give you what seems like defence to wipe your tears like spirit to fornicate when you are a victim of loneliness, spirit to be proud when you feel you have acquired all the wealth on earth, spirit to acquire other people's wealth when you see that they are not watching and this doom disguise like it's the way out, but it's outrightly the way into the burning furnace.

What we see is not real, the dazzling mirage, the beautiful case with rotten content, the glamour full of tears, only the wise can see clearly that what we chase after are all vanities upon vanities, fighting to hold the wind when we have not been given the strength just because we do not realise that we are dust, and to the dust we shall belong.

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