Monday 15 August 2016


"You cannot restore the days that the locusts had eaten, but you can employ your creator to do that on your behalf"

" Cater now that you have the resources because when it's all gone, those you refuse to cater for will mock you"

" It is an act of wickedness to maintain or continue to widen the gap between the rich and the poor"

" Intelligent people often think like the kings, and royal thoughts often come from the wise and simple because all they do is to look for more streams of wisdom"

" Let your day be planned in such a way that no bossom friend can change it"

"It's been the Lord all the way, not human anyway"

An affair with a married man or woman can only cause you to live in danger of staying within a circle. You love the married figures and ignore the single figures that are ready to make you stay married"

"The cost of a designer doesn't really matter if you look like a doll when you are meant to look like a queen"

"Customer relationship isn't just a random tag, but it defines how far your business will go"

"My worst dream ever is loosing a person that has a lot of dreams to turn into reality"

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