Wednesday 25 May 2016

Happy #AfricaDay Dear Africans: My Message To All Africans

Today marks the day in the year when #Africans from all over the world celebrate the #AfricaDay. On this day in 1963 several African States from across #Africa came together to form the Organization of African Unity-OAU now #AfricanUnion,#AU.

The primary purpose for founding this organ is to ensure integration amongst Africans and the pursuit of collective interest by member states.Saddly, only six countries from across the 54 African States celebrate or mark this day.

Now, why is it necessary that we celebrate this day as Africans? Africa is unarguably one of the richest continents in the world in terms of both human and natural resources. Coincidentally, Africa happens to be one continent that has been plundered and gaged by both foriegners and Africans. From conquests and plundering by Europeans,to raids by Arabians etc, our religious, traditional, natural and human resources have faced one of the highest amount of devastation known to any race or section of the globe as our human and natural resources were stolen and are still been stolen in different guise.

The most painful too, is the fact that with the partial purging of these external factors that constituted against African Unity and development, we now have Africans partnering with some factors against our collective gains as seen in the mindless looting and plundering of our resource by different african "leaders" and storage of these wealth abroad. And we also have other categories that ignite religious and tribal or ethnic rivalry for selfish gains.This has seen to the loss of millions of lives and properties in recent history.

Some in collaboration with internal and exteranal factors allign to destroy initiatives and individuals who or that stand out to develop our people and continent.Where is the like of Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara etc in Africa? If these legends could do it, then no African leader should have any excuse not to deliver!

But these challenges have brought gains to us that if understudied and utilized can bring about gains to all Africans. Africans are the most diversified of all human race, we come in different shades with the dark skin and the quantity of melanin trait as our most unique identity.There's no continent in the world that doesn't have the African shade/race. If our resources are collectively exploited and human resources fully developed and utilized then the world will stand and gaze at #Africa in amazement. Just imagine a united African corporation that put together all our energy sources for a collective power generation and distribution  project across Africa.

Imagine economic and human intergration in other areas too like space and mineral exploration, trans African transport lines, African research/educational facility etc. Imagine the possibilities and opportunities!

For those that don't know, the greatest problems Africans face are Africans themselves. For we have failed to acknowledge who we are and utilize the limitless opportunities available to us and given to us by God.Quote me, there's no continent or people in the universe most blessed and as diversed as we are- #Africans. Therefore a day like this is necessary to access our gains, strengths and weaknesses and forge a pathway for greatness ahead.

The way forward will be for us to purge ourselves of selfishness and greed, for our leaders to see beyond self and look into the future of our people and for all Africans to see the dignity and gift of being Africans and utilize same while also massively opposing and ruining leadership based on corruption,ethnicity and partnerships.

We can't think Africa if we do not talk and act Africans. Across the African States and in the Africa Union General Assembly there's a need to declare this day as a day to celebrate the African identity and uniqueness while understanding and strengthening the bond that holds us together.

As we understand our strength, we must also collectively identify our weaknesses/challenges both internal and external and totally rise up above theory to oppose such forces or acts against Africans, and not just in Africa but across the globe. Our leaders across the continent as our path makers must unite as a matter of compulsion to make Africa truly integrated beyond semantics.

We should cover our faces in shame in that with our arable land we still have millions living in poverty;with our wealth we still go cap in hands begging while our leaders live in pomp and loot;with wind,water and solar energy in abundance we don't have energy for all. How do we feel seeing our brothers and sisters used as modern day slaves across the globe? how do we feel seeing those we should be protecting die out of our senslessness and failure? how do we feel to see Africans drown in open seas or our human resources migrating to a land not as blessed as we are?

In all, if some of our leaders and citizens have failed us and may continue to fail us, we the people of Africa are more than they are.Their shame is ours and their sucesses too, for it affects us all.We must put our time,talent and treasure together to act in Africa's interest. Let us support good governance and oppose bad governance while playing our roles too as citizens for the progress of our race.

For me as a Nigerian, Nigeria owes Africa so much as a leading light in many dimension and I will ensure that Nigeria gets to celebrate the #AfricaDay from 2017 onward. I will also see to it that our reps at the national assembly push for this in Nigeria and those in the AU General Assembly does so in the next sitting of the African Union Assembly.

Together we can and we will. This far there's an African Uprising musically,educationally,culturally and technologically as well as socially.We will!May the souls of all those that have stood for the greatness of the African race shine on and rest in peace, and may those people alive and still pushing for Africa's true greatness no matter how small be blessed and recieve the pure strength and energy of Africa to do more.

God bless #Nigeria!
God bless #Africa!!

Prince Michael Nku Abuo, JP
Founder of defunct Pan African Movement For Change and founding Member African Youth Network

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