Wednesday 25 May 2016


We waited patiently for governor Isiaka Adeleke of Osun state at the Ife city stadium when I was in my primary school days, and the boy more younger. My grandma had taken her time to shape out the creases on my school uniform in competition with other pupils, who knew we could be favoured to be given an award for neatness.  We were more than eager to meet the governor as Mr Fasogbon, our head master had already raised our hope that we would become leaders of tomorrow.

The sun was dealing with us, and just as i bought ten kobo 'lolly' (our own form of yoghurt) to quench my thirst, the governor arrived. If not for the escort siren, we wouldn't have believed the announcer because he had deceived us for more than four hours that the governor was close by.

His speech was inspiring and reassuring that we would become leaders of tomorrow.

Over two decades now, it seems we are farther from the tomorrow than before. What have we not done or what should we have done on our part for the tomorrow to have materialised? The present leaders are the ones that have been leading us since independence and they have not seen any reason for us to handle affairs except being used as thugs for elections.

Similarly, i was returning to lagos from school for christmas. I had five hundred naira left on me for fare to my house and the balance budgeted for my sister's 'dodo ikire' (sort of spiced-fried plantain), she wouldn't forget if i did not get it, so, no 'jupiter' could part the money with me. And then a young beautiful fulani girl, approached the bus and started singing 'eni odun ba l'aye o ko korin ope' by Niyi Adedokun. I had not recovered from the shock, as i wondered how she could speak yoruba fluently, when she changed it to Wasiu Sodiq's song. And then she started begging for money after she intimated us with her dream of becoming a lawyer. Maybe she was lying but all i could do was to hand over the money to her, forgo my sister's plantain and shook my head for the nation...When would her tomorrow come?

What is the way forward because many youths have entered their graves without experiencing their tomorrow.

Getting tomorrow must be systemic and not solely on prayers. It is sickening praying to have electricity in my home after a tiring day. Our night is 'night fall in Soweto',  sleeping sound is not sure for high level of insecurity.

No political party can give us desired future. What we just need is a working system where there will be laws to punish sabotage of our collective efforts and where every leader is accountable. System where electricity, transportation, education, housing and all sphere of our life are brought to life. When they are fixed, the blame would then solely be on the youths for our own woes. For many of us, we can hold our own even though governmental mud is dragging us back and struggling hard to kill the tomorrow we have designed for ourselves. This directionless course, like an aircraft that disappeared from radar must stop now!

As we call upon God to heal our land, that which we ought to do as leaders and citizens must not be neglected. Policies that will liberate people should be made at all time and given urgent accent. These will increase the chance of living in our tomorrow. And then our unborn children will learn how we stood for their tomorrow even as we realised ours.

Odunmorayo Olalekan Matthew
Author and speech writer
for: Global Purpose Network &
BBM: 7B2788AA.

Happy #AfricaDay Dear Africans: My Message To All Africans

Today marks the day in the year when #Africans from all over the world celebrate the #AfricaDay. On this day in 1963 several African States from across #Africa came together to form the Organization of African Unity-OAU now #AfricanUnion,#AU.

The primary purpose for founding this organ is to ensure integration amongst Africans and the pursuit of collective interest by member states.Saddly, only six countries from across the 54 African States celebrate or mark this day.

Now, why is it necessary that we celebrate this day as Africans? Africa is unarguably one of the richest continents in the world in terms of both human and natural resources. Coincidentally, Africa happens to be one continent that has been plundered and gaged by both foriegners and Africans. From conquests and plundering by Europeans,to raids by Arabians etc, our religious, traditional, natural and human resources have faced one of the highest amount of devastation known to any race or section of the globe as our human and natural resources were stolen and are still been stolen in different guise.

The most painful too, is the fact that with the partial purging of these external factors that constituted against African Unity and development, we now have Africans partnering with some factors against our collective gains as seen in the mindless looting and plundering of our resource by different african "leaders" and storage of these wealth abroad. And we also have other categories that ignite religious and tribal or ethnic rivalry for selfish gains.This has seen to the loss of millions of lives and properties in recent history.

Some in collaboration with internal and exteranal factors allign to destroy initiatives and individuals who or that stand out to develop our people and continent.Where is the like of Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara etc in Africa? If these legends could do it, then no African leader should have any excuse not to deliver!

But these challenges have brought gains to us that if understudied and utilized can bring about gains to all Africans. Africans are the most diversified of all human race, we come in different shades with the dark skin and the quantity of melanin trait as our most unique identity.There's no continent in the world that doesn't have the African shade/race. If our resources are collectively exploited and human resources fully developed and utilized then the world will stand and gaze at #Africa in amazement. Just imagine a united African corporation that put together all our energy sources for a collective power generation and distribution  project across Africa.

Imagine economic and human intergration in other areas too like space and mineral exploration, trans African transport lines, African research/educational facility etc. Imagine the possibilities and opportunities!

For those that don't know, the greatest problems Africans face are Africans themselves. For we have failed to acknowledge who we are and utilize the limitless opportunities available to us and given to us by God.Quote me, there's no continent or people in the universe most blessed and as diversed as we are- #Africans. Therefore a day like this is necessary to access our gains, strengths and weaknesses and forge a pathway for greatness ahead.

The way forward will be for us to purge ourselves of selfishness and greed, for our leaders to see beyond self and look into the future of our people and for all Africans to see the dignity and gift of being Africans and utilize same while also massively opposing and ruining leadership based on corruption,ethnicity and partnerships.

We can't think Africa if we do not talk and act Africans. Across the African States and in the Africa Union General Assembly there's a need to declare this day as a day to celebrate the African identity and uniqueness while understanding and strengthening the bond that holds us together.

As we understand our strength, we must also collectively identify our weaknesses/challenges both internal and external and totally rise up above theory to oppose such forces or acts against Africans, and not just in Africa but across the globe. Our leaders across the continent as our path makers must unite as a matter of compulsion to make Africa truly integrated beyond semantics.

We should cover our faces in shame in that with our arable land we still have millions living in poverty;with our wealth we still go cap in hands begging while our leaders live in pomp and loot;with wind,water and solar energy in abundance we don't have energy for all. How do we feel seeing our brothers and sisters used as modern day slaves across the globe? how do we feel seeing those we should be protecting die out of our senslessness and failure? how do we feel to see Africans drown in open seas or our human resources migrating to a land not as blessed as we are?

In all, if some of our leaders and citizens have failed us and may continue to fail us, we the people of Africa are more than they are.Their shame is ours and their sucesses too, for it affects us all.We must put our time,talent and treasure together to act in Africa's interest. Let us support good governance and oppose bad governance while playing our roles too as citizens for the progress of our race.

For me as a Nigerian, Nigeria owes Africa so much as a leading light in many dimension and I will ensure that Nigeria gets to celebrate the #AfricaDay from 2017 onward. I will also see to it that our reps at the national assembly push for this in Nigeria and those in the AU General Assembly does so in the next sitting of the African Union Assembly.

Together we can and we will. This far there's an African Uprising musically,educationally,culturally and technologically as well as socially.We will!May the souls of all those that have stood for the greatness of the African race shine on and rest in peace, and may those people alive and still pushing for Africa's true greatness no matter how small be blessed and recieve the pure strength and energy of Africa to do more.

God bless #Nigeria!
God bless #Africa!!

Prince Michael Nku Abuo, JP
Founder of defunct Pan African Movement For Change and founding Member African Youth Network

Saturday 21 May 2016


When you try to wear an oversize or undersize shoes, it either pinches or falls at each step. This simply means that the wearer will be in discomfort which is having to deal with injury or inability to get to his destination on time because of the draggy shoes. And at the same time, the impression of  pedestrians  walking alongside seeing the affected in such a scene could aggravate the discomfort. But on the other hand, the ones that put on a fitted shoes will wear a suit of confidence and a tie of comfort because they control the shoes by putting it under their control, rather than the shoes controlling their mood like the ones that forcefully put it on.

Some will say; if you are in my shoes, you will understand better. And a saying also goes thus; only God knows where the shoes pinches the owner. Your shoes could be anything: a dream, talent, challenges, success,  failure and others in the same context. Let's take a look at some questions and appropriate answers to accompany.

Sometimes some individuals clamour on a dream just because they see others excelling in that area, so they forget that there are different strokes for different folks. And so in their quest of achieving this dream, they simply put on another man's shoes which is quite not fitted. These folks are always the complainers. They are not always comfortable in their bid to deliver well because the shoes they wear are not of their sizes. They only joined the crew because the shoes are trending and look beautiful on the outside without checking if they will be comfortable in it or not.

HOW DO I KNOW IF THE SHOES ARE FITTED ON ME OR NOT?  I and my friends were going for a bridal shower after party at a club, and as soon as we got there, the bouncers asked for the membership identify which we couldn't tender. One of the bouncers said quietly "shoe get size". We were girls just in a fun mood to party, forgetting to check if we would be able to afford or fit into the balling system of the club. Always know your size, and by this, you don't have to try size 40 when your original size is 37. We all know where our talents lie, so we have every right to work on it to make us achieve every level we want to attain. I once forcefully bought an undersized shoe because of an interview i wanted to attend, and what I saw was pain. I was in discomfort all through the period I used outside my house, because I was not walking in a size that fitted my feet. My aim was to look good in the shoes, but I was suffering and smiling in pain. If what you are venturing into makes you uncomfortable, brings challenges that are out of place, or constant failure, then check yourself, you must have been in another man's shoes. Though challenges come sometimes while trying to attain some goals, but always have the instinct to differentiate between a dream that is meant to be pursued because you have the virtues, and a dream that is based on being like other people who have excelled in the field and neglecting your weaknesses.

MUST WE ALWAYS WEAR A DESIGNER BECAUSE IT'S TRENDING? If you have a designer with your accurate size, you are free to wear it, but if your size has not been made, do not try to purchase an over or undersized one to avoid walking like a guinea pig when you're actually a peacock. A dream hijacked because it is trending will only make one look like a clown. You can be tagged failure because of your series of let downs by your activities and you can loose your confidence once the people that look up to you stop believing in you.

HOW CAN I GET MY SIZE?  You have your size and it might be better than those trending. I made a hairstyle at a time and all I got were compliments, I now thought to myself; this is just a cheap weave of N4000 per one and I got all these compliments, and yet some ladies with N65,000 brazillian hair seldom get few or no compliment. This implies that if your shoes look good on you, no one will question if it is trending or not. A dream well turned to a reality is often appreciated than a dream copied out of people's successes. Anderson does well in his business because he figured out what suits him, but Maxmillian is struggling to fit in the same business because he was not meant to be in the business. Check if your shoes are pinching you or draggy, then you have to get a fitted one to make you gain your confidence back. My friends and I enjoyed the after party of the bridal shower by going to a club where we needed no membership identity, and we had fun as well as respected as all ladies. You can only determine what you want by not joining the band, but doing what you can do well for your success not to be negotiable. If we cut corners to attend the club with identity, we might be underrated and definitely our night would be ruined.

DOES YOUR SIZE DETERMINE THE LEVEL OF YOUR SUCCESS?  This is a capital NO!  A man might be wearing size 37 and does better than one who wears size 42.  This all depends on how fitted you are into the system by delivering your quota well and as well as succeeding. There are people with large empires with debt swimming in their pool in form of loans and there are people with moderate empires that can boast of good quantity of amount in their bank accounts. In all, it is to do what you can do well by not trying to be like other people especially when it is not your area.

Friday 13 May 2016


Emily was on the couch grumbling and feeling cheated over a family issue, and all of a sudden she shouted in anger; "I hate my father!". Her mother rushed down to the sitting room and broke in tears while trying to soothe her with some words. They never knew that her father had an heir to his inheritance until his will was read after his demise, and this made the house a cluster of thorns for the two women because the house they live in has been transfered to Jasmine a male child given birth to by a concubine to Emily's father.

A will or testament is a legal document by which a person,  the testator, expresses his or her wishes as to how his or her property is to be distributed at death, and names one or more persons, the executor, to manage the estate until its final distribution. It's often seen in some families especially a polygamous family how rifts erupt after the demise of the head of the family who most times has the larger chunk of properties in the family and this often tears the family apart. These rifts often crop up after the will must have been read or failure of the owner of the property to make a will before his or her demise which makes the deceased an intestate. This is a case where the court distributes the estate according to the rule of the state. Probate is the legal process to determine whether a will is valid and a process of transferring the property of a deceased person to the rightful heirs.

However, in a case where an argument on if spouses should have a joint will crops up, a legal advice often given is that spouses are definitely not likely to die at the same time, so to avoid uncertainties, will should be prepared separately especially in cases where we have some properties not owned jointly by the spouses.

Consequently, a living trust is somewhat mistaken for a will. Though the two contains directives on how to share a deceased property, but a trust is preferred for people operating in privacy and avoiding probate. A living trust will not become part of the public record unless a beneficiary demands court approval of accounts. Wills are commonly less expensive and less complicated than a trust. A revocable living trust is an agreement designating someone to be responsible for managing one's property. It's not revocable after the owner of the property must have passed on,  but revocable while alive in cases of change in the interest of the owner.

There are different templates for writing a will which include; legal will,  free will, living will,  last will and testament form, digital assets, living will form, affidavit domicile, social media will,  amongst others. Though many people do not need a lawyer to draft a basic will,  but an experienced lawyer can provide a useful advice on estate planning strategies. In a case while a deceased died without a valid will, he or she becomes an intestate which means that the estate owned by the person will be settled based on the laws of the state that states who inherits what and how and this most times favours the current spouse.

In writing your will,  so many things have to be put into consideration. After your demise, will your will unite your beneficiaries or tear them apart?  These are some of the questions to consider before writing based on how one feels at some moments either to punish some or favour some. A beneficiary shouldn't be put at risk as in the case of Jasmine. Emily thinks she can contest the will of her father by going to court. Though in most cases, present spouse is often favoured, but not in the case of Emily's mother. A testator or the owner of the property has the final say, irrespective of any legal intervention which can be regarded to be a slim chance in winning such case, except for the absence of a valid will by the deceased.

It's not too late or early to put the pen up to write your will to avoid being an intestate after your death which will leave the court with no choice than to share your will for your relatives. There are rooms available for change or update of your will to meet your demand in cases of new interest or acquisition of new property. Your will can only unite or tear your beneficiaries apart, so it's left for you to decide what your will says after you're gone.

Wednesday 4 May 2016


Let the dance begin, let the music play on the highest volume, and the clinging of glasses on the increase. These words are indeed coming out of the drug cartel and the brothel. Over the years, a drug cartel has been known to be a criminal organisation with the intention of supplying drug trafficking operations, while the brothel is per usual a den of prostitute where body is sold in exchange for money. In a simple term, sex is made in exchange for money.

The Mexican government in her bit to reduce drug trafficking some years back, waged war against the Lords of the cartels. She made effort to put an end to the powerful drug cartels rather than on preventing drug trafficking which was left to US functionaries. As much as some have not been nailed, some were nailed and hands are still on deck. A brothel and a cartel sleep side by side, complementing each other, and it's been said that it's a social fallacy to concur that some people at the helms of affairs refuse to believe that the destruction of the two in our countries will remain impossible so far some government stakeholders are involved in the act,  as well as seeing patronizing the businesses.

The edge of a sharp sword is never sharpened until the goldsmith had worked on it to make the warrior have all battles won. Winning the war lies in how many heads that roll,  and the blood spilled. The examples of a drug cartel and a brothel are used in this context to illuminate the day's intelligence on how some acts will be difficult to put an end to in our society which include corruption until aggressive steps are taken.

There was a brothel in the city of Calabar, and most times I wondered why the brothel existed for a long time that it was known as a specific spot for such. I was at the comfort of my room when a report reached me that the brothel stationed at the location had been pulled down by the new administration that took over the rulership of the state recently. I sighed, and some thoughts rushed down to my heart. The brothel was there all these while because some of the people in the past government were interested in what was patronized there. The governors there couldn't frown at the act probably to avoid stepping on toes, and these were my thoughts. On the other hand, I felt that the present administration frowned at it probably because the governor detest such act and a need to reface the image of the city arose.

A drug cartel can only be pulled down if people that make the laws are not the breakers in the dark alleys, and if the faces you see frowning at it are not the masked fellow celebrating it in their empires. A brothel is a place where we see human trafficking thrives, and a drug cartel, where drug traffickers exist, so a need to look deeper into all these for a change of ideology and also to face lift and transform the society is desperately necessary. War can be waged on these two if the palazzos, the timbers and calibres, the mahogany and obeses of our society are not involved in all these trafficking, else, in less than a short while, all these traffickers will be our next door neighbours and by then their root
must have spread and curbing the acts will be like another Ebola disease spreading like wildfire which could infect our kind.