Thursday 4 February 2016


Getting rich is an idea,  working for it is an act, earning it is a result. Let's go on a short journey with a business oriented man,  Olalekan Odunmorayo who stepped outside the razzmatazz world of business to relate a story of how  people get rich in the mind, instead of drafting a plan, analysing, and actualizing it for the result which is getting rich.

Owolabi's name which means 'wealth was born' is very far from the reality dot com that he finds himself; perhaps 'poverty was born'.He could not just understand why and how things fell apart.
'Owoblow' as he had been nicknamed was standing inside a noisy public bus called 'molue' in lagos. Alas! The noise from co-commuters that have turned to political argumentators didn't bother him as his mind had travelled; his mother would call it 'emi iya alaro'. What was he thinking this time? Money!
He was not just making headway. Had it been he was the only one in this mess, it would have been better. He pitied his understanding, beautiful and submissive wife. But normally, no one would expect Darasimi, his only son to understand the economic situation of his dad when his belly ache for hunger.

Their situation had worsen of recent as there had not been toothpaste to brush their teeth. And his wife had to cut already used toothpaste tube for their son to use. Pathetic isn't it?

In our nation today, financial situation of many is not too different from this even the working class are included as many are involved in disguised employment  though they could manage to pay thier bills but what a for the bills!
The easiest route many are taking, graduates included, is to blame the government, the rich monopolistic nature, lack of capital, corruption, everything except for oneself. Yes, there could be point in it but yet, it's a cheap score point.

It is quite unfortunate that people and things you are shifting the blame to can not do much to help you even if they are under obligation to do so; HELP YOURSELF! Then, when you must have done so that you will realise that people you're looking upto are even dependent on you. For instance, government would give sigh of relief when you are gainfully employed, at least you are out of their list of 'grown up dependent adult'.
Where to begin is taking time off your numerous worries and away from every form of noise from within and outside. Calm your nerves, think straight!
Many people could endure being trapped under a collapsed building for five days than shutting themselves off noises and think deep for proper planning for five minutes. THINK! Till you have solutions you can act on.

To be continued....