Tuesday 9 February 2016

All Red St Valentines Day

In favour and preparation for the St . valentines day which is often celebrated on February 14th of every year, and a need to recuperate from the hangover of the usual believe of self satisfaction on this day to the reality of extension of the well said symbol of the day (love), we shall assess certain rudiments that made February 14 up.

This day is known as the Saint valentines day or the feast of Saint valentine, a day separated for the celebration of love and affection. According to history, churches such as the Anglican communion, Eastern orthodox church, Lutheran Church are often caught in the act of the celebration of St valentines day.  This day is coined out as a remembrance day of the saints that fought for love and propagated the gospel, some in the face of persecution. The martyrdom accounts formed the basis of one of the most celebrated days on earth which is February 14,  the valentines day.

As we have seen above, the day is of the saints, but subsequently,  the celebration of this day has caused different uproar of cases of acts that are questionable. The youths are mostly guilty of this offence, and they are often caught in the web of misinterpretation of the day. Does a valentines day where a dead body is found in a pool having been raped seem filthy? Does a valentines day where bottles were found broken into pieces after a party following a fight ought to be re visited? These are some of those scenes that have been noticed over time and it calls for a recall of the initial meaning of St valentines day.

Love is beautiful and it shouldn't be misinterpreted while trying to celebrate it. I had seen couples with their children go to cinema, visit resort centres and have fun, and I had seen churches organising a love feast programme to equip youths and also remind couples of the effectual love that has to be pure without soils. When I was in the high school, I had seen people decorate their hair with roses, red scent flowers, bearing gifts for one another and also decorate classes with different flowers, but as I grew,  I started having another orientation.

St valentines day for some youths is a game day, where men are expectant of what ladies give away as gifts to them, and where ladies expect the best gift ever. And in some cases, some men want the body in return, and the ladies the money, gifts, and visitation to beautiful places. This is far above expectations. The season is about genuine love that is devoid of deception, and a season where little gift counts.

If the celebration of this day wants to achieve a good aim,  then the less privilege should not be forgotten. The orphans, widows, widowers, sick, poor, and the beggars should be shown love to for them to find joy in their existence. It's a all red valentines day, and we are painting the whole universe with love, and let your strength of love be felt genuinely and not with a hidden agenda to hurt.

It all started from the church and the church should as well not leave it to the public to celebrate. Though some have been celebrating the day in holiness, and the aggressive celebration should be done to further attract youths to the presence of God for the explanation of the real meaning of the day. Propagating the gospel is a means of showing love to lost souls that are roaming around and also intercession for one another is an act of revealing how genuine our love is towards one another. It's a all red valentines day, let's celebrate in love and purity.

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