Saturday 8 October 2016


It might interest you to know that diabetes can occur in anyone, and the assumption that only elderly people are at risk should be partially ruled out. However, people who have close relatives with the disease are more likely to develop it. Some risk factors include; obesity, high cholesterol, lack of physical exercise, high blood pressure and the likes.

Diabetes is referred to as a condition where the blood amount of glucose in the blood is too high because the body cannot exhaust it properly. It is often referred to by medical practitioners as diabetes mellitus which describes a group of metabolic diseases and which the sufferer has high blood glucose either because insulin production is inadequate or because the body's cell do not respond properly to insulin.

Some common symptoms that can be felt by sufferers are;

* Passing more urine
* Being more thirsty than usual
* Blurred vision
* Feeling tired
* Feeling dizzy
* Leg cramps
* Weight loss or excessive weight gain
* Skin infection
* Cuts that heal slowly
* Always feeling hungry
* Headache etc

Amidst all these risk factors, diabetes can be controlled or avoided by following some of these stated below;

* More exercise
* Healthier meal
* Eat more fibre, it helps with healthy
* Keep yourself away from stress
* Make use of natural healthy supplements such as; Aloe vera gel, garlic thyme, gin chia, fields of green etc

Aloe vera gel: This is beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive system

Fields of greens: This include selenium which is effective to help in the production of insulin in those cells which is not ill

Forever garlic thyme: This helps to protect the body against free radicals and also helps to covert fats to energy. 

Gin chia: This is a potent combination of herbs used far and wide to increase power. It is known for its antioxidant content  and helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. 
For more enquiries, call

Long life is meaningless without good health, so a fast approach to curb sicknesses won't hurt. You might not be the one at risk, but someone close to you is a sufferer and you can be of help. Fight for living!

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