Monday 31 October 2016


Abortion which is refered to in different terms as; elective abortion, termination of pregnancy,  therapeutic abortion, induced abortion is known to be the removal or evacuation of pregnancy tissue, products of conception or the fetus and placenta from the uterus. This is however injurious to the health of a prospective mother who has engaged in such process, as well as to consequent pregnancy.

Most women who consider abortion attach some reasons to it, which range from one to another, and some of the reasons are;

* Pregnancy gotten through rape; most pregnancy gotten through rape mostly get evacuated.

* Mental or physical health conditions that prevent the mother from the continuation of carrying the pregnancy

* Unwanted pregnancy which is the highest factor due to lack of protection during sex.

* Inability to care for the pregnancy as a result of poor financial status.

* Prevention of child which has been discovered to have defect after routine second trimester tests.

As complicated as abortion is, it also has some side effects that could pose great danger to a woman and her subsequent pregnancies, some of the threats are;

*Cervical, ovarian, and liver cancer: As a woman get exposed to abortion(s) the risk of acquiring some diseases is on the increase and such is cancer in these parts of the body aforementioned.

* Death: Some women die in the process due to complications and others commit suicide due to psychological trauma.

* Ectopic Pregnancy: This is a pregnancy in which the fetus develops outside the womb, typically in a fallopian tube.

* Cervical Lacerations: lacerations which would be ignored can result in long term reproductive damage.

* Uterine Perforation: Abortion patients may suffer uterus perforation, amongst other general health challenges.

According to the dangers attached to abortion, a woman should necessarily think about an alternative of protection to avoid damages in her body by simply using protective measures during sexual inter course to avoid the evil abortion poses after or during the time it's been carried out.  Abortion could be unavoidable in cases of miscarriages, in order to evacuate the remnants in the fetus, but in cases of intentional enjoyment of sex which leads to unwanted pregnancy, a woman should have a re think that she suffers alone during the abortion process, while the man may or may not feel bothered. Zip up or protect yourself during sex to avoid abortion.

Wednesday 19 October 2016


Recently, the president of Nigeria has been misquoted through an answer given to a question at a conference with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. The statement; My wife belongs to the kitchen, my living room, and the other room suddenly generated a hullabaloo, uproar, aggression on the internet and internationally as well. I must say president Buhari's words must have been misconstrued, misunderstood and misrepresented.

A wife belongs to the husband is the summary of his statement. That doesn't mean Aisha doesn't have a dream or cannot perform any administrative job. Do not deduce the fact that a woman is a home maker, and that has not stopped Aisha from empowering women and also making her personal dreams come true, ignoring the background of the duo, afterall she has an office that is functioning.  Muhammadu Buhari said he doesn't know the party the wife belongs to, maybe a tactic to distract attention from her wife's statement that she wouldn't back him if he decides to contest in 2019 "if he doesn't shake up his cabinet".

How have we misplaced our priority? Buhari's statement referred to his home, Aisha's statement referred to Nigeria, so which is our utmost concern? The major problem Nigeria has is leadership, and leadership doesn't end in the president figure, its tentacle spreads across the ministers, senators, people in the administrative positions etc, and in a case where by a wife complains about the cabinet of her husband, then Nigeria has a long way to go in fighting corruption, battling economic crisis, waging war against terrorism and the various national issues, instead of capitalizing on where Aisha belongs to in her husband's house. Do not forget, Aisha must have gotten her details while performing her duty in the other room because most of these issues are almost always trashed in that room.

Why not place the priority right by knowing where Nigeria belongs to in the world, underdeveloped, developing or developed and ignore where Aisha Buhari belongs to in her husband's home. Nigerians are innocently or rather ignorantly suffering because of some ministerial appointments that were purposefully done by some party cabals who only have their personal interest at heart, the reason for the economic crisis. If I may cast our minds back to my post that says; we need experts to battle the war in Nigeria, not politicians that are not well grounded, and hence a complaint coming from the first lady of the country about such shouldn't be ignored.

Let's not be distracted from majority to minority. Buhari's statement is minor as it affects his home to what Aisha has pointed out in her statement " shake off cabinet". Nigerians' leadership must change hands for better administration to be put in place by ignoring frivolities and facing the real and cogent issues.

Saturday 8 October 2016


It might interest you to know that diabetes can occur in anyone, and the assumption that only elderly people are at risk should be partially ruled out. However, people who have close relatives with the disease are more likely to develop it. Some risk factors include; obesity, high cholesterol, lack of physical exercise, high blood pressure and the likes.

Diabetes is referred to as a condition where the blood amount of glucose in the blood is too high because the body cannot exhaust it properly. It is often referred to by medical practitioners as diabetes mellitus which describes a group of metabolic diseases and which the sufferer has high blood glucose either because insulin production is inadequate or because the body's cell do not respond properly to insulin.

Some common symptoms that can be felt by sufferers are;

* Passing more urine
* Being more thirsty than usual
* Blurred vision
* Feeling tired
* Feeling dizzy
* Leg cramps
* Weight loss or excessive weight gain
* Skin infection
* Cuts that heal slowly
* Always feeling hungry
* Headache etc

Amidst all these risk factors, diabetes can be controlled or avoided by following some of these stated below;

* More exercise
* Healthier meal
* Eat more fibre, it helps with healthy
* Keep yourself away from stress
* Make use of natural healthy supplements such as; Aloe vera gel, garlic thyme, gin chia, fields of green etc

Aloe vera gel: This is beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive system

Fields of greens: This include selenium which is effective to help in the production of insulin in those cells which is not ill

Forever garlic thyme: This helps to protect the body against free radicals and also helps to covert fats to energy. 

Gin chia: This is a potent combination of herbs used far and wide to increase power. It is known for its antioxidant content  and helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. 
For more enquiries, call

Long life is meaningless without good health, so a fast approach to curb sicknesses won't hurt. You might not be the one at risk, but someone close to you is a sufferer and you can be of help. Fight for living!

Monday 3 October 2016


A soul to uphold, a magnet to attract, a needle to thread, two legs to walk, two hands to work, one brain to think, a whole lot to invest, some leaders to strengthen, a country to behold, some citizens to appreciate. A little walk down through the heart of man can only do much more than just a stroll through a greedy life that thinks only about himself and feels that every other thing is insignificant.

They need to visit the asylum, yes! they do. The kids in the house that steal the meat from the mother's cooking pot, neglecting the fact that the pot of soup is meant for the whole family, and in a bit to satisfy their covetousness, they steal those meats not to quench hunger, but to have a better taste of what is meant for the whole family than other members.

A mother is the chief cook in a home, her affairs to oversee the home makes her feel that she has absolute power in most cases, and thus a means to eat better than others. In her coded room (kitchen), as she boils the meat and fish, a great chunk has been swallowed by her mouth, the plantain cannot be enough for the family, because mother has tasted more than enough. The meal looks lean not because better quantity was not cooked, but mother already ate her first round before the arrival of daddy. Mother's monthly allowance to cater for the needs of the family sometimes fizzle away, not because things are costly, but she has invested in gold, costume and body accessories business. An issue to trash on the table of the disciplinary committee and not the bin right? Just hold on.

My father, my father, the only car we have is not meant for the family, but only for you. If mother has to take us to school, public transport is the best option, if mother carries a whole lot of load, her stress to convey those to her destination is her cross not yours. The moment you enter the house, the TV remote control absolutely gets to be under your care as you change the channels without an apology, even though we are seen as too young to be apologised to, but we are still significant. The only thing we see on your food are four meats and 3 fishes, while we struggle to get a full piece of meat, and though we need it more than you do, but the tradition has crippled our mindset.

The natural resources, tax payers accumulation, and other financial gains of our country seem to be what is meant for all of us, but the last time I checked, a group tagged leaders that I appointed have gathered a larger part to some countries that the citizens do not even accord them because of their colour (racism). And we keep suffering like a dog that has no piece of meat, but goes back to feed on its poo. Has it ever occurred to you that after a man has spent all his money and he is in dare need, he searches those places where he kept all those he already spent if he could get a little sum of luck, but the bag is drained and what is next?

We all need to visit the asylum I repeat, because it all started from our homes. It is not the right of asylum which is sometimes called right of political asylum which a person persecuted by their own country may be protected by another sovereign authority, but an asylum meant for the insane or lunatic, an obsolete type of institution for housing those deemed insane. Let's take a vivid view at this scenerio, we are hungry, and a good samarithan gives us a bowl of rice, and I decide to scoop out a greater part, all of a sudden, I start to pour it in the sea, please am I sane? That is the case of greedy people. In their own bit to get their share, they cheat other people and the dividend of their cheat is wastage, so they need to visit the asylum because they have derailed from the right thinking path, and mentally, they are ill not to know that what is meant for all should be equally shared by all.