Sunday 12 June 2016


I was on the hospital bed staring death in the eye, i wished it was not so but that was all i could see and so, sleeping was difficult as i would surely see coffin or ghost-it was as bad as that. When my mum looked at me, she was always close to tears. My body peeled as if it delighted in peeling. Immune system dropped as it was giving up against the monster of a disease. My inner strength was begining to doubt my healing despite daily prayers from family and friends. The monster was winning on per second billing while i was losing the fight at the speed of light. My aunt would come daily, whispered healing words into my ears...then my faith picked up!

I began to see myself amidst great people testifying to the power of God who raised me- half dead man. I would say those positive words to myself when my aunt was not around and then i started believing the words...gradually i recovered!

Your situation seemed hopeless and you're saying in your heart, 'you can't understand, my health, marriage, finance, image is ruined beyond all this you're saying.' May be or may be not. The situation you are in, no matter how terrible, would never erase principle of positive imagination, affirmation and manifestation. Walk out of that ugly situation by imagining positive things but not only that, you've got to say it to the atmosphere for your belief system to be quickened, then positive manifestation will occur.

It is not working for many because they are doing it the wrong way. Put your imagery to work but that is not even the part where many missed it, it's at confession point. You have to do it positively. For instance, i will not be poor and i am rich are two different things. In the former you are still using the word poor while the latter focuses on riches. Choose positive affirmation that are not mixed with negative words. Your dry bones will come to life. Believe!

Our nation today spews distress, poor leadership and followership, bombing, terrorism, child abuse, poverty, lack of modern infrastructures and unfortunately we are now used to it that we believe it is a normal way of life and when someone thinks out of the box and urges us to see a positive nation, we label their effort as mere motivation.

Really, there's nothing to be excited about in the nation as corrupt few and large indisciplined citizens have sent the nation crawling. It is the reality we face but the nation must change in our mind before positive manifestation occurs. It must be on our lips that it is well with our nation, by so doing, the giant in individual will come to life to battle the problems that rubbishes us everywhere.

America was at war, many citizens were not happy with president Bush' approach but they never stopped believing in the greateness of the land. We are all we have to defend our land. First, by affirming the greatness that is coming to be very soon.

Odunmorayo Olalekan Matthew
Author and speech writer.
BBM: 7B2788AA

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