Wednesday 29 June 2016


Statistics has shown that over 39% of broken marriages are caused by inability of the couples to conceive, and over 42% of infertility cases are caused by diseases that can be cured. Infertility is referred to as inability to conceive after having regular unprotected sex and this has damaged so many marriages because of lack of awareness of the affected about some facts.

A woman can only be threatened by her inlaws if only she didn't know that men could also be a cause of childlessness and this is backed up by several factors that can be seen in both females and males. Some of the challenges that cause infertility are:

For males; challenge of ejaculation, challenge getting an erection, low sperm count,  or quality, problems with the tubes carrying sperm, and sometimes, diabetes, inflamed testes, alcohol, chronic disease, sexually transmitted diseases, genetic problem.

For women;  challenge ovulating, pelvic surgeries may lead to scar formation and fallopian tube damage, pelvic infection, endometriosis and in some cases, hormonal disorder, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic diseases, etc.


Infertility  can lead to depression and here is a possible way to get rid of it. There are some supplements that are recommended to boost the ability of couples who are willing to conceive. One of the recommended supplements are:Vitolize, royal jelly, multi maca, arctic sea.

Royal Jelly: This is for both men and women. It is meant for the activation of sexual gland.

Vitolize: This is a natural blend of antioxidant,  it includes; rich vitamins and minerals

Multi Maca; Maca promotes libido, sexual potency, and energy. Peruvian women begin to use maca at age 3, and remains strong and fertile.

Arctic sea: A combination of fish oil and olive. It is one of the food supplements with manifold action.

A good rest,  good eating habits, and cutting off every form of depression are also required. To order for these supplements in Nigeria,  follow @pthoughtsnow on twitter for your health session or contact;  09097752569.

We are all ill,  and we cannot get cured until we voice out and take a step. Delivery will be at the convenience of the buyer and in case of further enquiries, contact the number above. Probably you have had so many children, that does not stop you from helping those that you know with the challenge. Why do we procrastinate when the time is now? Procrastination is simply a thief of time that makes you more depressed.


Bisong is a 33year old woman and she had suffered from infertility for three years, but despite all her wealth, she couldn't conceive until a sister who suggested a trial of the supplements brought her out of the dark corner of infertility.

Wednesday 22 June 2016


In a broader context, objectivity means an opinion, facts, idea, concept that is devoid of personal interest, bias and emotions. It is however expedient to take a vivid look at the probity level of Nigeria as the country enjoys the new era of leadership. The incumbent president of the country took a mantle of leadership with the vigour to fight corruption to the minimum level, but this quest has been subjected to probe by some citizens, members of the opposition party and concerned citizens.

The arms deal fund discovered in the personal coffers of the former national security adviser,  Sambo Dasuki has been a bone of contention for some months, and this has elongated its trend to a discovery of N4.7billion in the account of the Ekiti state governor,  Ayodele Fayose by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Though the allegation has been debunked by the governor who denied that he had no connection to campaign funding through the NSA nor Musiliu Obanikoro and sons whom were purportedly alleged to have transferred the sum into his account.

The question is; where was the crimes commission when monies meant for security ran on a fast lane and found itself in private coffers?  Does it mean a ruling party or the caucus in power has authority over the crimes commission? In as much as the body is independent and can probe any account, should EFCC widen its scope by not probing only members of the PDP and extending it to some members of the APC that were allegedly corrupt during the last tenure as public office holders?

According to the voice of the people,  the present government is doing well in fighting corruption, but a loophole must not be detected by shielding any man because he or she is a ruling party affiliate. The EFCC however should be independent enough to probe any account that seems suspicious either related to arms deal or any other public diversion of funds.

According to governor Fayose, he has been pointed accusing finger at because the president sees him as a major opposition to his governance and so a way to take a pound of the flesh. He confidently said that the EFCC should wait until he concludes his tenure in 2018 because the luxury of immunity covers him even when his account has been frozen by the body.

What is immunity and is there still law and order in the country? Who and which party has the best side of the coin if tossed up and over again? The ruling party, or the predecessor party?  Does it mean that some APC governors left the position drained of public funds in the last tenure?
Should immunity be ruled out for investigation to take place? Immunity can be deficient as it concerns the urgency of bringing back Nigeria to live. And how deficient could it be? By ruling out from the constitution the immunity and setting virus of probe against it. If immunity is eventually ruled out, then the fair of being caught in the act rises, and then order.

Nigeria is a country at the verge of collapse, the avengers, boko haram, corruption, price hike of commodity and others have joined hands to push her into an unending doom and a proactive measure must be taken.  Every citizen can probe a government with facts and figures, evidences that cannot be doubted because you have the right to know. The onions is not only in the hand of the
Incumbent rulers to put the country in order, but a collective responsibility.  If one is transparent enough,  objectivity will be the watchword, but in a case of otherwise, then subjectivity cannot be eluded. And the question remains;  which party has the best side of the coin if tossed over and over again for the next three years?

Sunday 12 June 2016


I was on the hospital bed staring death in the eye, i wished it was not so but that was all i could see and so, sleeping was difficult as i would surely see coffin or ghost-it was as bad as that. When my mum looked at me, she was always close to tears. My body peeled as if it delighted in peeling. Immune system dropped as it was giving up against the monster of a disease. My inner strength was begining to doubt my healing despite daily prayers from family and friends. The monster was winning on per second billing while i was losing the fight at the speed of light. My aunt would come daily, whispered healing words into my ears...then my faith picked up!

I began to see myself amidst great people testifying to the power of God who raised me- half dead man. I would say those positive words to myself when my aunt was not around and then i started believing the words...gradually i recovered!

Your situation seemed hopeless and you're saying in your heart, 'you can't understand, my health, marriage, finance, image is ruined beyond all this you're saying.' May be or may be not. The situation you are in, no matter how terrible, would never erase principle of positive imagination, affirmation and manifestation. Walk out of that ugly situation by imagining positive things but not only that, you've got to say it to the atmosphere for your belief system to be quickened, then positive manifestation will occur.

It is not working for many because they are doing it the wrong way. Put your imagery to work but that is not even the part where many missed it, it's at confession point. You have to do it positively. For instance, i will not be poor and i am rich are two different things. In the former you are still using the word poor while the latter focuses on riches. Choose positive affirmation that are not mixed with negative words. Your dry bones will come to life. Believe!

Our nation today spews distress, poor leadership and followership, bombing, terrorism, child abuse, poverty, lack of modern infrastructures and unfortunately we are now used to it that we believe it is a normal way of life and when someone thinks out of the box and urges us to see a positive nation, we label their effort as mere motivation.

Really, there's nothing to be excited about in the nation as corrupt few and large indisciplined citizens have sent the nation crawling. It is the reality we face but the nation must change in our mind before positive manifestation occurs. It must be on our lips that it is well with our nation, by so doing, the giant in individual will come to life to battle the problems that rubbishes us everywhere.

America was at war, many citizens were not happy with president Bush' approach but they never stopped believing in the greateness of the land. We are all we have to defend our land. First, by affirming the greatness that is coming to be very soon.

Odunmorayo Olalekan Matthew
Author and speech writer.
BBM: 7B2788AA