Sunday 31 December 2017


It was last three years that I said goodbye to my exs, exactly December 2015. I made a promise to my brave mind that no ex will have an upper hand in my decision making, and this was determined because I wanted to entertain a new lover in 2016. Guess who the new lover could have been? You will get to know as we unravel certain things subsequently.

Who is a lover? A lover is said to be a person who likes or enjoys a particular thing, music, career, or any thing that catches the attention of such individual.  Love itself is a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody or something, especially a member of your family, friends, luxury, and so on. Sometimes we fall in love with strange things, and our folks get to ask why we love such things so deep. A friend told me; " I like clubbing, and when I get married, I intend to continue clubbing." I replied saying; " What is so enjoyable in clubbing?" I responded in that manner simply because clubbing never tickles my fancy, and I saw no reason anyone could have chosen to be its lover.

Are you part of the few people that have chosen enmity as a lover in 2018? The common say; ' There are some friendship bonds that will be broken in the new year. New Year, New Resolution. "  Let's deliberate on this as we commence 2018. There are bonds that should be naturally broken if they are not beneficial, especially when the pin is pointing towards a bad direction,  but some are meant to be kept when they are purposeful. Sometimes our ego drives us to a point of pride that we conclude on certain issues without verifying where those decisions might take us. A college boy aspiring to procure " The Beast Vehicle" has set an endless race before himself, and it might land him in a company that could vanish his life. Though it's his decision, but it could have an adverse effect on him if precaution is not taken.

As the year evolves, every organisation has penned down what it aspires to achieve in the year, what to let go, what to correct, and the evolution of new ideas to further increase the patronage of its goods or services. Unknowingly to some of the management of these organisations, some bad decisions have been made, and there is a price for every mistake made, either knowingly or unknowingly. And so, some decisions we have made towards 2018 could be against or at our advantage, hence a need to be more attentive to our inner mind, weigh the pros and cons, and see if the disadvantage over-rules the advantange inorder to avoid being slaves to our decision.

In 2015, I made a substantial decision to avoid exs, and to focus on 2016 with a new lover. A very special being, and whom I have benefited from in all spheres of life. The Lover is the Most High, and the Supreme Being. Often times, we feel spirituality is needed when dark powers are involved, but this is a wrong notion.  In tackling issues , dealing with co-workers, expending funds, choosing a life partner, procuring properties, choosing friends, getting a loan, going on adventure, and every step we intend taking. If God leads the way, you will never have to go through failures, and it will be easier to attain your goals with hardwork. Sometimes we feel successful without being spiritual, but when trials loom, we get outrightly knocked out.

Do we have an idea that Myles Munroe had plans for subsequent year before his death? Nelson Mandela would have loved to see more of Africa’s successes in subsequent years, and Obafemi Awolowo's decisions for a year after his death could have been massive, but all couldn’t wait to experience the actualization of their decisions. To a large extent, if our decisions to make so many things happen in 2018 have been made without God, all could be effort in futility, and a chase after a shadow.

Friday 15 December 2017


In a world filled with anxieties and uncertainties, most people have their heads bowed in some scandals that shouldn't have been linked to their personality, and this has made some homes inhabitable for either of the spouse, or both in a tougher case. Extramarital affair is regarded as sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse. This is however rampant in today's marriages, and people occupying delicate positions in the society are not left out in the scandal.

Often times, men are always seen as the culprit, but it has gone beyond a man affair. Some women are fully involved in this without a second thought of the implications attached to it. Some of the reasons mostly attached to extramarital affairs as given by the victims are:

* Lack of love for their spouse

* Dissatisfaction in bed

* Lack of offspring

* social identification

* Vengeance

* Curiosity to try new things

* Financial crisis

* Getting along with a more adventurous    person

* Pursuit of career advancement, and the    list is endless.

 Some people argued that COVETOUSNESS and IMMATURITY are what lead most strayed couples to extramarital affairs, but this is debatable. In cases where we see religious leaders, executives at work, leaders of communities, states, countries romancing extramarital affair as a thing to be celebrated, it's a sign that no one is above the temptation of going beyond their marital limit. Achievements, position, and personality are vague when extramarital is mentioned, and this simply means, so many authorities have been caught in the act.

Regardless of the enormous reasons attached to extramarital affair, it's injurious to the emotion and health of those done against, and it is a menace that has the strength to jeopardize a society, because most homes have been shattered through the negligence of the perpetrators, and it has its hand on children affected. It could be lack of DISCPLINE, and unconsciously, it has side effects on their finances, emotions image, children, wives, husbands, jobs, career, and the society at large.

Extramarital affair is a form of getting pleasure in what our eyes see that lasts for a little period of time, but has adverse effect on the entirety of our lives. The vows made on the altar, at the registry, at your inlaws' house were not just rhymes, but some statements to be adhered to, and if broken has a lot to say about your personality.