Sunday 20 November 2016


In the sports world, Lionel Messi's tattoos can drive some fans crazy, in the music industry, Lil Wayne, or probably 50 cent's tattoos are the attraction to fans, but whichever way it is, tattoos sometimes attract fans to some celebrities and this brings about immitation in some cases. Contradictory to the above, Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo has refused to get a tattoo inorder to donate blood to charity and this seems to be an attraction of fans to the Portuguese as well.

What is a tattoo? It is a form of body modification made by inserting ink , either indelible or temporary, into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. Tattoos are done for different reasons as research shows that tattoos are rich in history, but the two that are visible are to identify oneself, either with a celebrity, zodiac sign, class or a value. It is also done to honour loved ones, parents, siblings, lovers and so on. 

If you intend getting a tattoo done, watch out for which tattoo parlour you visit as so many things are involved in skin piercing following different herald of occurrences. Some of the challenges faced if tattoos are done,  or done in parlours that are questionable are: 

***Inability to donate blood at least for a year: This is so inorder to know the status of the person involved as most tattoo carriers could be infected with some diseases, so screening is key.

*** Inflammation can possibly occur if particles accumulate in the nymph nodes. 

***High risk of getting HIV and hepatitis: Needles are highly sensitive to the skin, and when instruments are used for different tattoos customers, there is a high risk of getting infected with these two aforementioned. 

***Skin infections such as red rashes, pain may occur because most inks are not safe.

***Tattoos give permanent or temporary skin discolouration. 

***Bruise: Some bruises may be gotten, either long term or short term, etc.

As beautiful as some tattoos may look, a person prospecting to carry it should however be fully aware of the risk factors that are involved.  A  celebrity could order for new instruments to get his tattoos done, but a person from a middle class or the next might not be able to afford such, and in a case where instruments are not sterile, the health of the person in question could be jeopardised, so why not leave out if you're in doubt, as there are so many ways of identifying with celebrities you crush on or your value, and so many ways to honour your loved ones.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Derek's Death, a Lesson To Workaholics

Steve Jobs refused to pay utmost attention to his health but kept pursuing wealth, and this formed part of his regrets before he passed away.  In a business world, there are alot to accomplish, an empire to be built, some skills to be improved upon, some deals to close, a rank to be maintained, salary to be paid, schedules to be met, enthusiasm to be rewarded and a whole lot more. The more the mind settles on these, then a pint of blood gushes out of  the heart, and indeed the beginning of stress.

Derek is a friend, a next door neighbour, as well as an associate, but it was shocking to receive his death notice on a tuesday morning after he slept and couldn't wake up for his morning duty. He was a real time workaholic, dedicated and enthusiastic to be on top of his game in the banking industry. Derek wakes up early enough to catch up with time schedule, sometimes skipped breakfast, and most times jeopardised his sleep to get rewarded. He was a good friend that had to deal with so many family issues, and his all day sitting position never helped either way because it denied him of good exercise.

As I watched him alight from his car the night before his demise, I rushed to have some conversation with him, moving close to him shocked me as a grown man had eye bags full blown on his eyes, so I withdrew my initial conversation of the loan I intended to collect from his bank to discuss how he could safe time to get over stress, but little did I know that Derek was already a victim of stress to death.

I managed to share some tips with him because I can't deny that I have been a beneficiary of stress management owing to my wife's practice of nursing, that helped a bit. I told him to;

***Take control of his emotions, as stress is built on worries that things could be difficult to solve, or can't even be solved at all.

***I warned him to manage his time: The little weekend he has should be spent on pampering himself and not office work since that took his whole weekdays from him.

***In actuality, relaxation does not necessarily mean taking a nap, but a relaxed mood at work wouldn't pose a threat.

***Indulging in physical activity like moving around the banking hall when customers are not forthcoming is not a bad idea as I proceeded in my conversation with him.

***Talking to someone even if it's sharing humour with your partner at work can only reduce your stress hormones.

***I stressed the need for Derek to take some days off if he is ill instead of managing his health at the progress of a job that will, or has replaced him after his demise.

***Derek is always in haste to meet up target at work, but must the pressure overwhelm him, unfortunately it just did.

My friend wouldn't stop caffeine, and alcohol because he believed those kept him strong, but little did he know that they were agents to boost stress for him.

All these were my words to my dear friend that night as I watched him climb the stairs struggling with his suit and suitcase, but I never knew those would be my last words as he nodded in agreement that he would try to put my words into action. Derek is dead, Mahogany bank is alive, and it would keep recruiting to replace dead people like Derek.

Stress management is not the task of your industry management,  but yours. I have seen bankers retired with no health challenge, I have seen bankers died, and I have seen bankers with hole in the heart, but not only bankers, the job you do shouldn't put your health at risk because you can control your personal schedule. Hope my words are not getting too late to you like it got late to my friend Derek. Do not panic, but act, because no one is irreplaceable in any industry.

Sunday 6 November 2016


I must say it's an elixir at work when we begin to do things that are unexplainable, act irrationally, politely, love unconditionally, lie even when you're caught, sleep when you're depressed, timid when you have to be courageous, courageous when you have to be timid, prayerful when you are in pain, dutiful when you are denied of your pay, above all, campaign to win people's heart, even when your party has been black listed and the people yielding because you have cajoled them.

Sometimes we wonder why we do some things we said we will never do again, for example; a lady that promises herself never to have sex again until she gets married, or a man that says he will never revisit a relationship with an ex girlfriend, but he does, or a citizen that promises never to vote for a particular political party, but he/she still finds herself/himself dipping hands into the ballot box and casting that vote for a member representing that same party, indeed it's a disease of the mind, an elixir that only your mind can give you are those exposures.

No matter how you have been persuaded, cajoled, romanced or brainwashed, if your mind is made up not to attempt a particular thing, you will conquer, but when your mind is not well made up, that is when the mind pours an elixir to the soul through what you have been exposed to and it makes it yield to compromise with what you have once bid farewell. Your mind does a great thing in whatever you do and this is where your conscience can be tied or loosen and it sets the agenda for what you do and this hence builds your personality. Tagging in a saying that goes thus; " We Are What We Repeatedly Do" , and a christian or muslim that prostitutes for money can be said that she is at the mercy of the elixir her mind gives to her that no other way is forthcoming financially than prostitution.

Our mind works with our brain, and whatever we perceive through the mind is interpreted through the brain and thus our action. Whatsoever elixir your mind pours to your brain, your brain can filter whichever is profitable, right, and according to act upon, so no excuse that your mind is powerful, because your brain can filter which is profitable, bad and right to do. The elixir of the mind is what we get exposed to in our daily lives, the portion that comes as solution, either right or wrong, and yours is to filter which you want. YOU ARE THE MASTER OF YOUR SOUL, THE DRIVER OF YOUR BRAIN IRRESPECTIVE OF HOW MUCH ELIXIR YOUR MIND MUST HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO IN FORM OF CAJOLE, SOLUTION OR OPTION.